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PROTOZOA by Kewlers [web]

                        . ............................ .
                        ..:                          :..
         ____           :       - K E W L E R S -      :          ___
    ___ /   (_  __      :  _______   ___       __      :  ____   /  //_____
 _._) _/     /_/ //_____:__\__   (_ /  /______/ //_____:_\\_ /___\____    (_._
  |   \      \   _/     |    /    // _//     /  _/     |  _/    /    |      |
  |    \      \_ \      |   /\    \  \      /   \      |  \     \_   |      |
  |_____\______/__\_____|___/\_____\__\_____\ ___\_____|___\_____/__________|
- -diP--------------------------------------------------------------------bM- -

                               - P R O T O Z O A -
                       for Breakpoint'03, 18.-21.04.2003

                        - ---------------------------- -

       Curly Brace - Code, 3D, graphics, desing - curly.brace@luukku.com 
        Mel Funktion - Music, design, orig. idea - funktion@kolumbus.fi
             Little Bitchard - Music, design - littleb@luukku.com       
                    Actor Dolban - Music - apaarni@urova.fi      

                        - ---------------------------- -

                            Greetings and respect to:

          aardbei, black maiden, calodox, coral, exceed, flo, halcyon,
       haujobb, komplex, kooma, kosmoplovci, mass, mfx, orange, paehkinae,
               pwp, satori, spinning kids, throb, tpolm, unique

                      Thanks to dipswitch^bm for the ascii

                        - ---------------------------- -

                         Hardware/software requirements:

    At least a GeForce2-class (or similar) GPU with some up-to-date display
   drivers required, GF3 or better is _strongly_ recommended. Some music can
   be heard with a Windows audio capable sound device. A Pentium 3-class CPU
     or better is recommended. Also about 80 megabytes of free memory and
                     6 megabytes of hd space would be nice.

                        - ---------------------------- -

                                  Legal blabla:

  You can spread this demo in any way you like as long as you keep the content
   intact. If you want to include this demo in a non-profit dvd/cd-collection,
  we must be credited for our work. We'd also appreciate if you'd send us a few
     copies of the release. For any commercial release, please contact us.

- ----------------------|------------------------------|--------------------- -
                        :.. http://kewlers.scene.org ..:
                        . :..........................: .
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