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Voiceless by Zymosis

        .          .         .          .                           .  
        :          :\__   __/:       __/:   .        . [] .         :
        |\_________|   \ /   |_.    /   |   │\_______|.   :________/|
       __\  	        :    :  \ /     |___|_        \__/│        /__ 
	 --\__      _   .  _/    |      |     \  ____/    │  ____/--
     	   /      /  |  | │             │      |     \    :      \
         /    	/____│    |     \ /     |  |   │___    \  |___     \  
       /  	          :      │      :      |        | :         | 
      |      ________     │_ _  _:_    _.______:________: |____     : 
    -=│     │======= │    |==========<derPunkt>======|    │====│    │=-
      :     .        :    :        :                 :    :    .    :
		     .	  .	                     .         .

			presents: "VOICELESS - music disc"
                                made in summer 1997

 ∙ how to use this shit:

 well, you can start off by typing VOCLESS at your dos prompt. if you don't
 know what a dos prompt is, i suggest you read a book. DESPERATION by
 Steven King is not a bad novel. if you, on the other hand, understand the
 behavior of Microsoft's only operating system, and you did what i said you
 should, then, if everything goes fine, you should see few words saying
 something about detecting the sound hardware... if your sound card WASN'T
 detected, then you're in deeeeep shit. HINT: run FT2 and listen in there.
 how ever, if you are lucky, and your sound card was recognized, then it's
 up to you to choose the quality of sound you wanna hear. you should do that
 by simply answering the questions about sampling frequency, 8 or 16 bit
 quality and mono/stereo sound. if you have a pentium 100 or higher, you
 can use the best quality without any hustle, (just type 3-2-2 in that order).
 for a 486/DX2 i would suggest 22050kHz, 8 bit stereo sound, although i
 encourage you to experiment.
        once you're in there, you can use mouse and/or keyboard to switch
 between the tunez. you will notice a tuner in the lower-left corner of the
        if you use keyboard, you can turn it left or right using left or
 right arrow keys. to speed it up, use PgUp or PgDn. if you're sick and
 tired of tuning just press the number of a song you wanna listen to. if
 you press esc, you will find your self watching the "outro". music will
 not stop.
        if you use mouse, you can rotate the tuner by clicking on the
 position where you want the red dot to come, or by drag'n'dropin' the
 red dot. beside the tuner, you will notice a ON/OFF button in the upper
 left corner of the screen. if you click there, outro will start.

        after enjoying the outro, you can exit to dos, by pressing any key.

 ∙ some technical crap you should read...
 this shit doesn't work under QEMM...

 your sound card drivers should be loaded in order for "VOICELESS" to work...

 if you wanna run this under Windows'95, you should make a shortcut to it
 with "SUGGEST MS-DOS MODE AS NECESSARY" option turned off and with
 don't know what i am talking about, tough luck, exit to dos... when running
 under Win95, you don't need CWSDPMI.EXE

 croatia only: ak ocete procitat onaj aski gore od derPunkta, onda radje
 nemojte imat ukljucena nasa slova u 437 kodnoj stranici (iako i kad ih
 nemate, morate imat ozbiljnih psiholoskih problema kako bi procitali sta
 pise) /rjesenje: pise ZYMOSIS/

 ∙ warranty:


 The "VOICELESS" music disc, or portions of it, may not be modified. Neither
 may the "VOICELESS" music disc, or portions of it, be used to build similar 
 software products. The "VOICELESS" music disc can be distributed freely as
 long as no fee is charged for it.

 ∙ a few words from Der Punkt....

 	First of all I'd like to thank you for listening to our music disc,
 which is in fact our very first release (but not the last). If you like it 
 please send us a message so we could continue our work in a better way.
        So, you'd like to know something about music & gfx.I wrote 2 tunes, on
 which I'm very proud but comparin' with Purple Motion or Skaven or even 
 chuck biscuits they don't worth a shit.... eh. 
 In another words I don't DO music BUT...ok. The incident went somethin' like
                  - the MISERIES of YOUNG derPUNKT - 
 Typhuz said: "What do you mean 'Ya don't wanna do music'? I'm stuck with dis
 phuckin' filters and with replayer and U want Me to write the tunes. Get da
 fuck OUT!!!"
 And I hade no choice. oh GOD allmighty. Just a little ATHEISTIC touch.
 Speaking of atheism let me tell you an interesting story.
 -One day our class (Typhuz & I were going to a same class) went to see some
  idiotic theatre play in Zagreb and sun shone like crazy all day. So Typhuz 
  got pretty pissed-off because of the heat and started to yell at GOD,
  swearing and screaming. And then, from the bright and blue sky, it started
  SNOWING. Jesus, it was the end of April. HEH, isn't it weird.
  OK, ok, no more talking.   
 Here we go....

 * STILL LIFE * - sounds like a Robert Miles 
 This tune was made in July 1997. just for some little fun because I've never
 done or listened/enjoyed techno. I like this piece coz it has some melodic 
 touch & it is nice to listen to.

 * OAKTREE * - ear killin tree
 This supposed to be a menu music, but it had some minor changes. It had a
 loop, you know. So Typhuz said that I should rewrite it and 
 try-to-make-it smaller, under 500k.
 Brainless idiot. And here you have all bloody 8 bit samples. 
 	All pics were done in Deluxe Paint 0.0 and Photoshop 3.1. That
 pixelating the guys are doing eats my phukin' nerves so I decided to make this
 MENU & LOGO pic look a little nadrealistic. That's how the spikes were born.
 You know this is my first ASCII (upscreen) and it turned out to be very GOOD.
 Well, thats all from me. Once again I thank you for downloading & listening to
                           " V O I C E L E S S "

 Now back to Typhuz....thank God.

 ∙ this is now Typhuz typin':

       so i see derPunkt decided that this NFO should be full of crap. ok.
 HE wanted to do this music disc, it was all HIS idea... and then, he just
 expected ME to do all the tunes!!! that's cute... BUT IT'S WRONG!

       he says he doesn't DO music. well, i don't DO coding as well, but i
 coded the most of the music disc. some parts, and the final optimization
 was done by Dryllar. in case anyone wants to know, we did it in DJGPP v2.0
 amplified with ALLEGRO 2.2 graphics library. "VOICELESS" works in MODE-X
 360x480. quite good quality, and fast too... the module player is done by
 SEAL103b module playing library (i am suprised how well SEAL autodetects
 soundcards). and everything works just fine (according to the beta-testers).

       i DO music. i am not afraid to admit it, although my shit isn't any
 better than derPunkt's. a word or two about my tunes on this disc:

 * SECRETS FORSEEN * - break-beat shaker
 This one was especially made for "VOICELESS", and i tried to keep a low
 kb profile. GOD KNOWS I TRIED... I TRIED SO HARD. anywayz, it has a nice
 piano theme that is interupted twice by some techno/house sounding patterns.

 * MINERAL WATER * - bubbly refreshment
 It used to be a HUGE module, i even intended to add some rap on top of it,
 but i decided to pack it in, because of a nice flute-theme at the very end.
 the break-beat was done in FT2, then converted to .wav using CubicPlayer,
 screwed in certain sample editor, the name isn't important, and then loaded
 back into FT2.

 NOTE: both of my tunes had to be changed (panings, volume envelopes) because
 of the weird shit they did when playing in "VOICELESS". in FastTracker
 everything played just fine.

       regarding the atheistic incident derPunkt described before: he forgot
 to mention that it all took place in front of a cathedral, while two nuns
 were passing by. heh-heh...

 ∙ greetings:

 - to Shawn Hargreaves for making Allegro, a graphics library for djgpp
 - to Carlos Hasan for SEAL, a great sound library for C/Delphi
 - to all the people that contributed the DJGPP project
 - to Triton (Mr. H especialy) for the great FastTracker II (FT2.08 rulez)
 - to Ivan Turcinovic for beta-testing
 - to the guys from Dream recordings for keeping croatian scene alive
 - to Dalibor Pozezanac-Ac, and Andrija Krcma-Krki for being friends
 - to all the people from the town called Krizevci that used to go in
 our class
 - to Bistro "Tomislav" in Bjelovar for hours of fun and relaxation.
 - to all the people that belived in us, supporting our work on every inch
 of the way, and, well... (slimy, isn't it) ...for just, being there!


 ∙ info on ZYMOSIS:

 zymosis is a new croatian vga/music/coding group. members are:

      - derPunkt -     graphix, music
      - dryllar -      coding
      - El S.Dee -     courier
      - T-Ray -        3D graphix, car driver
      - TyPhuz -       music, coding

 we are looking for a bbs to be our whq (here, in croatia), and we're looking
 for distro-sites. we are also looking for ascii/ansi artist. if you, for any
 reason at all, want to contact us, then you should look for our courier
 el s.dee or typhuz on various croatian bbs. we are hoping to get a real
 e-mail address real soon, and maybe even a web-page (as soon as we get a
 decent internet access).
 that's all, you can expect some new stuff made by ZymosiS in the future...
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