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Stay Strong by Adapt [web]

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                         ________ :         ________        ___________
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            -- ------\_________\     /    /_______\   /_____//____\-tR!------>
                              /__________/      /______\
                                  :         A D A P T
                                  :            -=-
                                  :      at Novoque 2020
                                  :       PC Demo Compo
                                  :        |   -=-   |
                                  :       |           |
                                  .      | Stay Strong |
                                  :     | and compete at |
                                  :    | the Assembly 2020 |
                                  .  |  Summer Fall Edition  |
                                  .| 15th to 18th October 2020 |
                           music <:-> basscadet
                 code, fx & sync <:-> deepr
                             gfx <:-> mistral
                        3D & gfx <:-> felor
                        3D & gfx <:-> legend
    Using Adapt Studio, OpenGL 4.3+, Qt 5.12, FMOD, Assimp, GLM, Rodeo and love.
           Features a custom made demo engine, done with love since 2015.
		    Into excellence with the Adapt Studio tooling.
    Greetings:  Accession - Ananasmurska - ASD - Avaruus - Byterapers - Brainstorm -
    CNCD - Complex - Damones - DCS - Dekadence - DSS - Epoch  - Fairlight - Fit - 
    GIN - glxblt - HBC - hear - Jac - JML - K2 - Kewlers - Ksylitol - Konvergence - 
    Matt Current - MFX - NPLI - Odelay - Offence - OOBC - Optimus - Orange - Parallax -
    Paraguay - Peisik - Pistoke - Pixheli - moomi - pksu - Portal Process - Prismbeings -
    promille deZign - Roisto - SQNY - Syntesthetics - tAAt - Tekotuotanto - TPOLM -
    Traction - Bilotrip - Trilobit - TRSI - Twisted
    - And all the rest we forgot!
 .2020-08-13 .: 6h to deadline - deepr here submitting this demo soon. Made with love,
                passion and hurry with as much as free time as was possible to get
				among all other life. Hope the demo works at the compo 8)
				Make peace and good demoes!
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