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Demo Name
        GBC not required, but highly recommended for full effect.
Written by
Written for
        Demo for GBDEV'99. Digital Audio music plays while background
        prerendered fractal grooves around. Fractal palette varies along
        with the music. Ran out of processor power before I did cart
        space, otherwise I would've animated the background more.
Side Note
        This looks alot like Punk.GB, but I didn't leech a single line
        of code from it. In fact, this was written in GBDK. =P
Tools Used
        Mike Hope's GBDK 2.1.0
        Notepad - Not as good as MS DOS Edit, but I'm lazy. =)
        MS DOS Edit - to write the NFO file. =)
        MMX's bitchy pcx2gb
        MMX's not-as-bitchy-as-pcx2gb Snd2GBW
        Cygnus Hex Editor shareware
        AaronStJ's GBDK Audio Routines
        BlackThunder's DBLSPEED.S, which they OKed a while back for Ratbikes
Greetings go out to
        Anders Granlund, AaronStJ, Charles Doty, BigRedPumps, Mike Hope,
        the late quang, ziggy880 and the variants, G De Sade, Jeff F.,
        all the gbdevers coast to coast
Last words
        I bet this doesn't even run on the real GBC... =)
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