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waving brothers by Beanix Brothers

                                                           Beanix Brothers
                                                        Coimbra  -  Portugal
                                                        University of Coimbra

 Hello there,

 This is just another intro we produced for NNB BBS or other groups around here.
 These are some of the shorter ones we managed to get through the lines.
 We're a group from the South of Europe, from PORTUGAL, in a little city
 called Coimbra, which is one of the first universities in the world
 (the second in Europe, 500 years ago!!! This is mainly a student campus like
 the one in Harvard or Cambridge ).
 We're studying Electrical Engineering in the University and are keen on
 computers & stuff related and areas like robotics & electronics.
 We don't have any BBS's of our own ( nor are we planning of building one )
 but just have fun coding some intros for friends BBS's & for ourselves.
 We're a long way from there and our internet is too slow to send or receive
 any decent files. So hope you see these demos we send you.
 We just wanted to join the team of intro makers and show our intros
 to others & xchange ideas with others.

 Not many intros around here ( only at university level but starting
 to apear more .... )
 (Sorry about this file being the same for every demo, including older
  ones we did, but we're not much inspired today ...)
 There's not much to say about it. Just see it & if you like it then it'll
 have made our effort. Thank you.
 Hope you like it !
 Hasta la vista ...

                                                    Beanix Brothers
                                                    Coimbra - Portugal

 If you by any chance may want to contact us, please do so throug internet to:

 or you can contact one of the following BBS's that we're somehow related to:

     ║       # ANTS NEST :                351-39-20205         ║
     ║       # NNB BBS ( NONAME BBS ):    351-39-440046        ║
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