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goatzilla by Noice [web]

                       -■- Goatzilla by Noice -■-

         - A computer demonstration released at Dreamhack 1998 -

                          [compo version]

Legal Notice:
This intro is free to spread and copy as much as you want.
If you put this on a CD availible the public in any way, please
send one copy to us.

System requirements:
■ Pentium 166 (or better), 16 Mb of RAM, 2 Mb of HD.
■ Vesa 2.0+ (use ScitechDisplayDoctor (www.scitechsoftware.com))
■ A gravis ultrasoundcard is very nice...

The intro is best seen in 320x240 16/15 bits truecolor videomode.

You must runt this version of goatzilla in plain DOS with himem.sys ONLY.
In the package you will find CWSDPMI.EXE which can be used to gain DPMI
under EMM386.EXE and others..

DONT run this version under Windows, the player will not work!!!!!!!!!

If you dont have a gravisultrasound, please wait for final release.

Main Credits:
Coding.....: Gnilk
Music......: Andromeda
Graphics...: Flood
3D logos...: Rico

Additional Credits:
Krikkit....: Fractal zooming algo (the realtime worked pretty fine.. =)

Additional Credits:
Musicsystem: MXMplay by Pascal / Cubic Team
Extender...: Wext by Whizzter / Woorlic
Cwsdpmi....: Charles W Sandmann

Worthless knowing & tech info.
The demo works with 32 bit RGBA internally regardless of the videomode.
If you run it with 15 bits resolution everything is still processed with
32 bits RGBA internally then converted to 15 bits for each pixel.

This is the first "real" intro released by Noice. It might work pretty
shitty on slower machines.. When making this intro I thought there would
be no space for pre-made stuff (vector objects and such) therefore
everything is realtime calculated..    For exemple there are NO stored
sine-tables for the matrix operations..  and such...
This was a mistake from my point of view...
There was quite a bit of space left..  It was used for the 3 intro 3d-logos..
And the 3 pictures drawn by flood.

■ The fractalzoomer is (obvious) in realtime. Since it depends on previous
  drawn frames I didnt feel like putting it on the IRQ timer..
  On my computer (PII 400) it runs approx with 30 fps.
  The only limit in the zoomer is the FPU (i.e. calculates until reaching the
  limit of the fpu).

■ The polygon filler(s) are probably the worst fillers ever made...
  Although they use Z-buffering and such...   (wow!)


 ■ Cryonics ■ Limited Edition ■ Outbreak ■
 ■ TBL ■ Triad ■ Woorlic ■ Kosmic ■ Rage ■ TPOLM ■

    For futher information and more detailed credits visit our web-site.

                www.noice.org - the center of goatology

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