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KÜo vAdis by KÜA software productions

                                     _) _)
                                 |  / |  |  \
                                 . <  |  | _ \
                                _|\_\\__/_/  _\

                                _| |
                    (_-<  - \   _|  _|\ \  \ /  _  |  _| -_)
                    ___/\___/|_|  \__| \_/\_/ \__,_|_| \___|

                                  |             _)
                 _ \  _|  _ \  _  | |  \  _|  _| |  _ \    \ (_-<
                .__/_|  \___/\__,_|\_,_|\__/\__|_|\___/|_| _\___/

                            (semi proudly) present:
             Coversion of bizarre desktop games number 2, entitled:

                          _) _)
                      |  / |  |              \      |_)
                      . <  |  |  _ \  \ \ / _ \  _  | |(_-<
                     _|\_\\_,_|\___/   \_/_/  _\__,_|_|___/

¡                                                                              ¡
i                                                                              |
n My  first game released to the public,  a clone of Daleks (found on  an  old |
f Atari user disk -about #57) or, if you are into Linux and Gnome, Gnobots II. |
o                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
| I wrote this game because:                                                   |
m                                                                              |
o a)I like this game a lot (in fact, it's my favorite desktop game)            |
t b)I have no mouse, and Daleks needs a mouse to play                          |
i c)I have no Linux box here at Patra to play Gnobots II                       |
v d)I was pissed off becuase Gnobots II was  VERY badly written (no bugs, but  |
e   sloooooow!)                                                                |
|                                                                              |
h                                                                              |
a                                                                              |
r This game was  written on/for a 4MB 8 MHz STE, but it  can run  happily on a |
d 520 STE  (although you won't  be able to hear the module  in the game - just |
w use your  favorite module  player for  this. Also, put the game  in the AUTO |
a folder). Colour mode is required.                                            |
r It should also run on Falcons (if it doesn't, please tell me why)            |
e                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
| Since I presume you unzipped the archive, just double click on KUOVADIS.PRG, |
| and the game will run (hopefully).                                           |
|                                                                              |
| Some things I should mention here are:                                       |
|                                                                              |
| a)You need at least 1MB of memory for the module to play. (blame  Lance! and |
u   me for that)                                                               |
s b)You can place any other 4-channel, 8-bit module in the directory where Küo |
a   vAdis is. The game will open the first module it comes across.             |
g c)If you prefer, you can erase all modules from the directory Küo vAdis lies |
e   for faster loading and playing times.                                      |
| d)High scores are saved  to a file called HIGHSCOR.KUO, which  is written in |
|   the current path. The  next time Küo vAdis is loaded, the high  scores are |
|   read. If this file  is missing or corrupted,  the game is loaded with the  |
|   default values.                                                            |
| e)If you run the game from the  AUTO folder, the module, as well as the high |
|   scores file, must be in the root directory.                                |
| f)User  preferences (Animations, Illegal  suicide & Key repeat  on/off)  are |
|   also saved in  HIGHSCOR.KUO and these are  loaded at startup (so you don't |
|   have to set up your game style every time).                                |
|                                                                              |
| Your player is placed in a space along with a number of robots. Your goal is |
| to make all the robots crash  into themselves without  you getting killed in |
| the process.                                                                 |
|                                                                              |
| The game  is turn based, i.e. you move, then  the robots, etc. These  simple |
| rules apply:                                                                 |
|                                                                              |
| - If a robot moves in your space, you're dead.                               |
| - If two robots  move  in  the  same  space, they're  dead and  produce some |
h   debris.                                                                    |
o - If a robot steps in debris, it's dead.                                     |
w - If you step in debris, you're dead.                                        |
t When you move, you have a number of options:                                 |
o                                                                              |
  a)Move with the keypad keys:                                                 |
p                                    7 8 9                                     |
l                                     \|/                                      |
a                                    4-*-6                                     |
y                                     /|\                                      |
|                                    1 2 3                                     |
|   So, if you want to move up, press 8, etc.                                  |
| b)Stay still (pass turn), by pressing keypad 5.                              |
| c)Teleport by pressing  keypad *. You will never teleport  into a robot, but |
|   that doesn't mean that a robot can't be near you!!! Beware!!!              |
| d)Decide you don't  want to move until  the end of the level (or, until  you |
|   die :) by  pressing  Enter. Be  ABSOLUTELY  CERTAIN before  pressing  this |
|   key!!!! Robots always move into you. They cannot teleport.                 |
|                                                                              |
| Each level starts with a number of robots placed randomly (level*10) and you |
| in it.                                                                       |
|                                                                              |
| As well as the aformentioned keys, there are some more available:            |
|                                                                              |
| F1 turns the animations on/off (this means the sprites movement, as well  as |
| the windowshading)                                                           |
| F2 turns  "Illegal suicide"  mode  on/off (The  game checks if  your move is |
k suicidal - i.e.  when the  robots move  they  will kill  you. Teleports  not |
e included)                                                                    |
y F3 turns the  key repeat move on/off (Should  be used in conjuction with F1) |
s Esc aborts  the  game, and quits  the game if you're in attract  mode (or in |
| high score window after game over)                                           |
| Space starts the game in attract mode                                        |
| Help displays a window with all the available keys                           |
|                                                                              |
| After game  over, you're  presented  with  the  high  scores  window.  After |
| entering your name (in case of a high  score) you can either press space (or |
| wait about 5 secs) to enter  attract mode, or press Return or Enter to start |
| the game again (useful for the impacient)                                    |
|                                                                              |
| All code by GGN of KüA software productions, except:                         |
| Module  replayer  by  Lance! (the exclamation  mark is part of  his pseudo I |
| presume :)                                                                   |
| Sin/Cos routine by Ziggy Stardust/Overlanders and Mcoder                     |
c Falcon init/exit routines by Evil/Dead Hackers Society (I just hope the rest |
r of the game works)                                                           |
e Variable width/height/position blit routine by Atari Corp.                   |
d Unpack routine by Detlef Röttger                                             |
i                                                                              |
t Window graphics and font from the Blueheart theme (Enlightenment/Linux)      |
s Sprites by GGN of KüA software productions                                   |
|                                                                              |
| As for the module, it was ripped from a game from BeOS (a Pacman clone which |
| name I cannot remember), which  it was certainly not theirs (if anyone knows |
| the composer, please contact me)                                             |
|                                                                              |
| Atari scene:                                                                 |
|                                                                              |
| Dead Hackers  Society  (Evil, Gizmo, Loke),  Paranoia  (Paranoid), LOud! (ST |
| Survivor),  Wildfire (Baggio),  Mystic Bytes  (Grey),  Teenage  (Phenomenon, |
| Berserker), Cream (Candyman, Tao, Abyss, Agent T), Maggie Team (CiH), Pyjama |
g (Exocet),  FLA (CosmosH),  Reservoir Gods (Mr. Pink),  Checkpoint  (Defjam), |
r Falcon Users Netherlands  (Earx, Havoc, D-force), Equinox (Keops), and all I |
e forgot (really sorry)                                                        |
e                                                                              |
t Atari 8-bit scene:                                                           |
i                                                                              |
n Slight (All  members - your  demos are  gorgeous! In fact, they're so good I |
g must  convert  them to  the STE :))))),  The  guys  that made  "Igor" (Profi |
s team?), and Shadows (if they still exist), and generally  all 8 bit sceners! |
|                                                                              |
| Miscellaneous:                                                               |
|                                                                              |
| Jubanka, TiS (Stoned), Yak (still hairy, still awesome dude!), all those who |
| will take the time to mail me                                                |
| Tricky was not greeted on purpose (he knows why)                             |
l                                                                              |
i                                                                              |
c This game was at first going to be released as shareware, but after thinking |
e that  I  had to  support  users, update  the  program, promise  users future |
n products, etc. I decided to release this game as  freeware (not that I won't |
s support people now, but I won't be _that_ obliged)                           |
e                                                                              |
|          Name: Küo vAdis                                                     |
|          Type: Game                                                          |
|       Version: 1.01                                                          |
|        Format: PRG executable                                                |
|       Code by: ΓIΩPΓOΣ NAKOΣ, aka GGN of KüA software productions & others   |
|        Gfx by: ΓIΩPΓOΣ NAKOΣ and the guy from the Blueheart theme            |
|      Music by: Unknown                                                       |
f    Frames/sec: 50                                                            |
a Development time: 122 days (4 months)                                        |
c          From: 28/04/2000 15:55                                              |
t            To: 31/08/2000 00:57                                              |
  Software used: -Turbo Assebler v1.7.7 (coding)                               |
s                -Bugaboo  v1.7.14 (debugging & sooo  many  other  things,like |
h                 converting gfx!)                                             |
e                -GFA BASIC v3.50E (misc utils,  like font/sprites conversion, |
e                 and many other)                                              |
t                -Crack  Art v1.3 (sprites,  anti-aliasing+strecthing  of  the |
|                 converted pix)                                               |
|                -The Gimp (on Linux, screen grabbing)                         |
|                -MS Paint :(((((((((((( (font conversion)                     |
|                -Speed of Light v3.8 (picture conversion)                     |
|                -Deluxe Paint ST (brill picture/colours remapping)            |
|                -PaCifiST v0.49 beta (early sessions coding)                  |
|   Packed with: Pack Ice 2.40                                                 |
| Compatibility: STE and Falcon (no emulators)                                 |
|   Approved by: Ummm.... no one?                                              |
|  Dedicated to: The preson that wrote the original game (naturally)           |
|        E-mail: GGN: ggn@atarist.com                                          |


          ⌠                                                               ⌠
         ⌠⌡ Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain⌠⌡
        ⌠⌡You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today⌠⌡
       ⌠⌡    And then one day you find ten years have got behind you   ⌠⌡
      ⌠⌡   No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun   ⌠⌡

Have fun, GGN

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