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blizzard info by Blizzard

      _/   /____       _          ______               _______    ____
     /        _/___ __(_)_ ______ \     \     ______ __\_     \ __\   \_
    /    /  _/    /_\__    \     \/     /_:___\_    \   /     //        \
    \_______\    /    /____/     /_.______|     _    \__\______\    \    \
  ∙-(Mo!\aL)-\________\----\_______|---- .:_____\_____/---------\________/--∙
                 .. b∙L∙I∙Z∙Z∙A∙R∙D ..    :
                                          :/    high quality ppe productions
             . ...........................°
.------__---------------------- proudly presents ------------------------//---.
`------\/--------------------- - :       ∙    : - ----------------------//----'
o                                :            :  group news and announcements
      release [pcb2pps       ]   :          . : - -------------------------- -
      version [1.o           ]   :          : : o5/12/97  first release
 coder/artist [phax          ]   :          . : o5/22/97  riker joined with
 release type [exe           ]   :            :           his bbs 'iridium'
 requirements [msdos         ]   :            : o5/24/97  sinus joined with
  released on [o6/o1/97      ]  \\            :           his bbs 'x-press'
  packaged by [phax          ]   \\           : o5/29/97  attacking guard
     filename [blz_#oo2.zip  ]   :            :           joined with his bbs
                                o:            :           'rebels hideout'
.-( infobox )--------------------------------------------------------------//-.
| converts pcb or ansi textfiles to pps sourcecode..                          |
|  __                                                                         |
`-(_(-------------------------------------------------------------( infobox )-'
     ____.                       :          . :
  ___)  :|       __     .        :            :
 ::. memberlist -\/-----: --------------------------------------------- ---//-.
 |   ----:-----                                                               |
 | roots |  phax, positive pain                                               |
 |  ppe  |  positive pain, phax                                               |
 |  exe  |  phax                                                            . |
 |: gfx _|_ (none)                                                          : |
 l_ trd \_( (none)                                                           _|
  /__    _| __________ :___________________________________________________ _\
    \___ \ _           .         :          . :
 _____)  :|       __        .    :            :
|:.   dist:sites -\/------- :------------------------------------------ ---//-.
`---------:---∙∙ ∙.                                                           |
  |  whq  |  black arts: +49.30.66709090~ +49.30.66709090~ op: positive pain  |
  |  dst  |  armageddon:     (none)     ~ +49.211.4790048~ op: filis          |
  |  dst  |  iridium   :     (none)     ~ +49.611.51187  ~ op: riker        . |
  |  dst  |  x-press   : +49.30.40632378~ +49.30.40632377~ op: sinus        : |
  |  dst  |  rebels h. :     (none)     ~ +49.610.323195 ~ op: attacking g.   |
  |  dst _|_ kitchen   : +49.30.66098691~ +49.30.6629822 ~ op: butcher        |
  l_     \_(      `.      ^-x75-^           ^-v34-^                          _|
   /____  _| _____________: _______________________________________________ _\
     )_   \ _             .      :          . :
  .___)  :|      .  __           :            :
  | releases --- :--\/-----------------------------------------------------//-.
  |  -----:-                                                                  |
  | #ooo1 : o5/12/97  magic pager v1.o by phax/blz!                         . |
  | #ooo2 . o6/o1/97  pcb2pps v1.o by phax/blz!                             : |
  l_        _                                                                _|
   /___   _|/_____________: _______________________________________________ _\
     )____\ _             .      :           _:_
                                 : :         )_/
                                 .            :
          .ze""    "ec.          : .          :
       z$$$$         3$$$c    bLIZZARD is still looking for skilled members!
     d$$$$$F          $$$$$b  - ------------------------------------------ -
   .$$$$$$$b         .$$$$$$$c   we need expirienced ppe/exe coders,
  z$$$$$$$$$b       .$$$$$$$$$L  :asc²/ansi artists, couriers, boards and
 .$$$$$$$$$$$$$eeee$$$$$$$$$$$$r . sites.
 $$$$$$$$$            $$$$$$$$$$              .
 $$$$$$$$$e.          $$$$$$$$$$   if you think we could get along just don't
 $$$$$$$$$$$          $$$$$$$$$$ . hesitate and write to blz666@hotmail.com or
 $$$$$$$$$$$          $$$$$$$$$$   signup at our whq and contact the sysop.
 $$$$$$$$$$$          $$$$$$$$$$
 "$$$$$$$$$$          $$$$$$$$$"  if you want to join as coder/artist it is
  ^$$$$$$$$$          $$$$$$$$^  necessary to attach a piece of your work
    $$$$$F"           ^"$$$$$"  to the mail, otherwise we won't get
     "$$$L.............,$$$"  back to you.    .
       ^$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"     ..:            :..
           ""$$$$$$$""    . .:.:.:............:.:.:. .
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