simple! by Cellfish [web]
C E L L F I S H What? Our first demo. Called? Simple Where? TRSAC-FU Who: Tech, Leia, No Dexter but a secret admirerer. This demo was made in about 2 weeks of hard work, but those 2 weeks have been spread out over about a year. Yes - We're lazy. Trsac-FU starts tomorrow. We have no clue wheter we get it done or not. What you see is not made the way you would think it is made. Now go chew on that. THERE IS NO DEMO. And there is no connection between the colours and the colours either. We love Ola, hah! Once upon a time, Timo the space elephant had just woken up. It was his birthday today, and he was turning 303. Now to a human that might sound a lot, but to this elephant, it merely meant he was going from teenager to adult. The rest of this story will end up in a book Leia has been about to write for the last 2 years. Stay tuned. Tech wants to say thanks to his girlfriend who is so nice and patient, even though he's a nerd who tries teaching himself to code. Camilla is a wonderful girlfriend that he loves very much. Dexter and Tech want's to greet Com[Plex and his [AFK] gang. Leia wants to say hi to allstars. And to "you know who you are." Yes, you. <Tech^CF> leia wants ppl to give her beer and to vote for us :) Leia didn't say that herself. Note: We are aware of the problem with the copperbars.
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