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Music Connection BBS (1) by Genius Software Development

             G e n i u s  S o f t w a r e  D e v e l o p m e n t
                                 ( G S D )
                               i n  1 9 9 2

  We are a group of students from the Science/Engineering Magnet High School
all-omnipotent programming team who got pulled into the demo world one day...

Our members are:

  Daniel Potter     (Founder, programmer, artist)
  Matt McLelland    (Programmer, composer)
  Kevin Barnard     (Programmer)
  Christopher Reed  (Composer, artist)
  Jonathan Harper   (Composer, artist)
  Keith Fulkerson   (Main composer)

  I suppose you notice that we have lots and lots of composers and artists,
but our main composer is Keith. He composes most of the songs for our demos.
Matt McLelland and I write most of the graphics and sound routines. 

You can reach us on:

Music Connection   
    Fido/MIDI/SoundNet at 1:124/3109, SuperNet at 43:1370/105,
      US Host for SBNet at 18:500/0
    Phone number (214)596-2827
Programmer's Guide to the Galaxy
    (During the summer) (214)350-2492
    (During school)     (214)302-2026

Leave a message to Daniel Potter, and I will try to answer your comments and
questions as quickly as possbile! 

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