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The Secret by Fatal Rage

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            ███  █ █ ███
            ██   ███ █▄.
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 ...a secret is that thing what gives you the power to go on........

      Disclaimer :
       By running this program you take full responsabilities of any
       consequences. If your computer blowns up it's not our fault.
       You can freely spread this application in its complete and
       unmodified form, you can even sell it if you're able to find
       someone willing to pay.

      Keys :

                      choose song
        <┘, space bar   play chosen song
        + -             set sound blaster amplification
        ESC             quit

      Credits :
       Code             Blade,Coil
       Gfx              Dorian
       Music            Teo

       Player           Sahara Surfers
       PmodeW           Tran & Daredevil

      If the soundcard autodetection doesn't work try to run the musicdisk
       with -s switch.

      It contains 8 songs, made during more than 2 years and never released
       from 1995 and now (1998).
       Every song is made with Fast Tracker 2
       Vesa 2 required (univbe), 486 or better cpu (pentium recommended),
       Midas sound board supported :)

      This is the music list:

       1)  The Secret                                1996
       2)  True friend                               1997
       3)  (Under a) Grey Skey                       1996
       4)  Happy pop                                 1997
       5)  Unjustice                                 1995
       6)  Imphobia                                  1995
       7)  My pain                                   1998
       8)  Looking... (at the rain falling down)     1997

      - True Friend - was my MC5 entry and placed from 61° to 70°.
       I'd like to thank that judge (miss his name :< ) who said about
       this tune that it was the best rock tune he never heard.

      - Happy pop - is the only song that could remember sorta "tun-za
       tun-za", but the intention was to made an "easy listening" one :)

      - Unjustice - is really the older song in the music disk.
       The original idea was to partecipate to MC3 with this, but I tried
       something else (with a good 14th place :> ).

      - Imphobia - was made for Imphobia magazine issue 12, but they
       preferred others. The original one was an 8 channel mod.
       It was converted to XM adding a channel and changing the "sampled"
       chords with "real" chords, made with a violin.

      - Looking... - was my contribution to the Trip '98 multichannel
       compo, and placed 8th, the best place after the 3rd place at The
       Party 95 with "Love open your eyes" (and Nabo :> )

      Greets goes to the ex-USE members, especially to Nabo.
       Other greets to Dustbin,Froyd the Dreud,ClockWise,Mix,AsYntote,
       Lord Kahl,Dixan,Pedro,Guy,Neurotix,Spillo (che al Trip chiedeva
       di me! sono famoso :>),Pan,Swan,Drift,Junta,FBY,SuperKeyby,Bau,
       The Glide,Wally,It-alien,Ez,Asavaris,CDS,Vision-X,FreeMan,Jova,
       Rio :>,Phoenix,Pix e tutti quelli che mi sono scordato e che ho
       conosciuto al Trip '98,Reebok,Nexus,Bert,MikMak,Soundwave,Karl,
       Benzel,Nemesis1 (the 1 from Island :> ) and to all #trax.

      Groups greets goes to:Fatal Rage,U.S.E.,DeathStar,Officium,CBR,
       Japotek,Spinning Kids,Neural Activity,Dreamers,Nemesis revived,
       Glamour,Skyjump Team,Bug2Fix,Spyral,Chaotic Visions,G&G,Ritual,
       ArtNoveau,The Bermuda Triangle,Ram Jam,Utopia e quelli che non

      My respects goes to:Necros,Zodiak,Basehead,Firelight,Leviathan,
       Big Jim,Jase,Purple Motion,Skaven,Mystical,Ryan Cramer,Scorpik,
       Jugi,Hunz and to other GREAT musicians I'm envious of.

      Like Nabo says, only a song of 8 doesn't contain drums :)

      I'd like to point out that in this music disk there are 2
       "guitar" songs, made with 5 strings :), even if I don't play any
       guitar and I haven't a music background.
       I don't play any instrument at all and I have no keyboard, only
       PC and a GUS. This means many hours to find out a decent and
       near to reality "guitar chord" :)

      Contact :
       Teo              teofr@freenet.hut.fi
       Blade            bladefr@tin.it
       Coil             gherardi@arena.sci.univr.it
       Dorian           recycler@tin.it

       Take a look the HomePage also at: http://freepage.logicom.it/teofr

       Please report any bug a/o comment-suggestions.

      This music disk is dedicated to the members who left Fatal Rage
       some time ago:Nabo,Dustbin,Wally and The Glide.
       I hope someday you'll return again with us.
       "The Secret" track is dedicated to Nabo (idead was yours).
       "Happy pop" is dedicated to Pedro and Guy, for their friendship.
       "Unjustice" is dedicated to Dustbin, for everything we made and
          for the time past together.
       "My pain" is dedicated to Blade,yes,you're my "One" pain :)
       "Looking at the rain falling down" is dedicated to Serena, and
          also to Diana Olivetti,rest in peace my friend.

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