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varhaiset signaalit by aikarele

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                                  64 kB Intro
                 Released at Assembly 02, 1-4 August 2002

   Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What does the intro require?
A: The intro requires Java 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition Version
   1.4.0 (or later), which is referred to as JRE 1.4 later in this document.
   See the links in the end of this document. The intro does NOT require
   a 3D graphics card or Java 3D. A modern CPU (> 1 GHz) and some memory
   (> 128 MB) would definitely help. If you have a slow computer, you
   should watch the intro in windowed mode, since it's much faster.

Q: What operating systems does the intro support?
A: The intro will (hopefully) work with any operating system which has JRE 1.4
   installed. Currently JRE 1.4 is available at least for Linux, Windows,
   Solaris and HP-UX. Beta versions are also available for AIX and OS X.
   Note: some operating systems do not support the full screen mode, so
   the intro might automatically start in windowed mode.

Q: How do I start the intro?
A: Depends on your operating system. On some operating systems (like Windows
   for example) the intro will start simply by double clicking the file
   "intro.jar". If this does not work, you can start the intro from command
   line with the following command:
   java -jar intro.jar

Q: Can I start the intro with a web browser?
A: No, the intro is not an applet, it is an application and you can not start
   it with a web browser. Aikarele might release a Web Start version of
   the intro later.

Q: What is the soundbank.gm file?
A: The file is part of the intro and it is used for software sound synthesis.
   The file is only needed with the Windows JRE.

Q: Why does the music sound so terrible with Windows JRE?
A: Do you have soundbank.gm in the same directory where the intro is? If not,
   the intro might use hardware synthesis, which sounds terrible. Sometimes
   this might also happen if you start the intro by double clicking it. Try to
   start the intro from command line. If you are able to change the volume of
   the music from the Windows mixer Wave volume, software synthesis is used
   and there is nothing technically wrong with the music.

Q: The resolution and colors are weird in full screen mode, what can I do?
A: This might happen sometimes (JRE 1.4 bug). Try to restart the intro, this
   normally helps.

Q: Who owns the copyrights to the photos in the intro?
A: All the photos ⌐ Copyright 1975-2002 Aikarele

Q: Does the intro use JPEG image compression? What about the recent patent
   claims by Forgent Networks Inc.?
A: The intro does not use JPEG. The image compression algorithms have been 
   developed by Aikarele and the algorithms are (hopefully) patent free.

Q: How can I send feedback to Aikarele?
A: You can send your questions, comments and feedback to Aikarele by e-mail:

   JRE 1.4 is available for downloading at the following sites:

   Windows, Linux and Solaris:



   OS X: (not available for public at the time of writing)

   Java     is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
   Windows  is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation
   Linux    is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds
   Solaris  is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
   AIX      is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation
   OS X     is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
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