fuzzy dominoes by Fuzzion [web]
┤fuzzy dominoes┤ follow our game a fuzzion intro 4096bytes 1st place at euskal'10 > credits bp - code ufx - code sml - music, design > greets amb, anaconda, calodox, capsule, centosis, chanka, cod, collapse, concept, d-lirium, elerium core, exceed, farbrausch, hansa, iguana, incognita, inside, k5, mankind, network, orion, ozone, rgba, stravaganza, software failure, sos, synth, the dark rising, tlotb, threepixels, unik, unknown productions, wild bits. > misc ╖ Run the intro inside "pocafeina_addon" only if you are as drunk as us while we were doing it. ╖ The exe files are the unpacked versions. (c) www.FUZZiON.org 2002
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