Wobbler by Gem
_ _ _ ___ __Wobbler__ _ ___________ _ _ _ _________ __ _ _ _ by Gem 4kb intro at the Flag 2002 party, Hungary _ ______________________________________________________ ___ _ Hi and welcome to the world of Wobbler! I hope this intro does worth its 4 kilobytes on your harddrive. This is my second 4k intro. The other was Anatyda at Mekka 1999, which was to my knowledge the first Windows 4k. Since then it became a standard to make intros for Windows. Now you won't get shouts by dumb people that Windows sucks when the intro is shown on the bigscreen. It seems that people realized that it's the same challenge to code and optimize an intro for Windows as for DOS (or for Amiga - as you prefer). But this did not make me optimistic about intros. I think that size optimization is becoming meaningless. Back in 1980s when the intro competitions were established, it was a general programming goal to make small code. But the code size simply does not matter on present day computers. Size coding is a tradition kept up solely by intro competitions. By now a coder can not use this knowledge anywhere else in the IT world. And what the worst is that even among sceners there are less and less people who pay attention to intro competitions and appreciate the effort put in these works. These are the reasons why Wobbler was my last assembly code. Thanks for your support Rod, Mephizto, Nikon, Ebola, Wad, Tsg, Boyc, Nagz, Noel, Nap, Geza, Picard, Reptile. Signed, Gem. (ex Gekko/CLS/Astral/CHT) _ _____(*)_requirements__________ _ _ _ _________ __ _ _ _ . Windows'98 or Windows 2000 . OpenGL . TNT2, GeForce2 or compatible video card . sound card . 128 MB RAM _ _____(?)_information___________ _ _ _ _________ __ _ _ _ Wobbler was coded in pure assembly. The music code includes a TB-303 emulator. The intro was compiled with NASM, linked with a modified Alink, packed with an own exe to com encoder (Dropper) and compressed with UPX. I will release the Dropper soon. _ _____(@)_contact_______________ _ _ _ _________ __ _ _ _ gem@mailbox.hu gem.intro.hu #demoscene (ircnet)
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