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Manifestation by 3rd Foundation


    This demo is our first release and was first presented at Assembly'94
    demo party in Finland. Some parts and gfx may suck but that is due
    to lack of time, as this demo was made in one week and was finished
    at about 4.00am in the first day of Asm'94 (train for Helsinki will
    leave at 5.15am).
    We are also short of members, which can also be seen on the demo.
    If you are interested in joining or contacting us, you can send
    a letter to either of the following addresses:

    - IMMORTAL -                      - VORPAL -
    Mikko Hiltunen                    Janne Nord
    Parkumäentie 5                    Kerhokatu 7
    90860 Halosenniemi                39700 Parkano
    Finland                           Finland

    See ya later !!!
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