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the nintendo family by Noisy Boyz Crew Germany

                               ________ ____  ______            N B C
                          .____\_     /_\_  )/  ___/__
                cDr/m's   |     /    /   (__    \     \_    G E R M A N Y
                        _||____/_______________________/ ______
                      ______ ________ _______ ___.:____ /      \ ________ ________
                      \  __//_      //_     //   ||   //        \\_     /_\      /.
                    _/   \_  /_____/ _/    /     ||               /    /   \   _//
:_                           NoIsY BoYz Crew - ThE HeRoIn ChImPs                               _:
|( ___________________________________________________________________________________________ )|
|//                                                                                           \\|
|  Done  : CALi                      │  Format  : V64              │  System  : Nintendo 64     |
|  HELP  : My phuckin PII            │  Size    : 24 MBit          │  Title   : The N64 Family  |
|_ DATE  : 11.03.2000                │  Credits : Loom, I & W      │  Company : NBCG           _|
|                                                                                               |
| Here we go!!!                                                                                 |
|                                                                                               |
| Noisy Boyz Crew present their last Gallery called "The Nintendo Family".  My wish was to make |
| a 3 Galleries (about our crew, the scene & the figures) and that it was or should i make a    |
| TC Member Pic-Gallery? heheh... This demo contains Pictures of the known Nintendo Figures.   	|
|                             									|
| You can press the A-Button to move to the next pic and the B-Button   			|
| to move to the previous pic and with the C-Buttons you can zoom in on a pic. L und R Button   |
| are for turning & handstand and by using the start button you can get the normal position     |
| back.                                                                           		|
|												|
| We send our respect out to all who keep the scene alive ( nice to see that Icarus made a new	|
| Trainer). 											|	
|                                                                                               | 
| Meet us in the following Efnet channels : #nbc , #realm64 , #hs , #gbc 			|
|                                                                                               |  
| sign off...                                                                                   |
| CALi                                                                                          |
|_                                                                                             _|
 /________________________                                             ________________________\
                         /_:                                         ._\
  ......  ......  ......   |                                         |   ......  ......  ......
  ... ::: ... ::: ... :::  |  N B C  G E R M A N Y   M E M B E R S   |   ... ::: ... ::: ... :::
  ::: ::: :::.::. ::: .... |                                         |   ::: ::: :::.::. ::: ....
  ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::  |  CALi - GhostmaC - Elementl1 - Konsul   |   ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
  ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::  |          OdoGG - Jim3op - Luigi         |   ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
 .::: ::: :::.::' '::.::' _|                                         |_ .::: ::: :::.::' '::.::'
 _ _ _ ___________________\                                           /_____________________ _ _
|((//                                                                                       \\))|
|/                           N B C  G E R M A N Y   G R E E T I N G S                          \|
|                                                                                               |
|                                                                                               |
| Graffiti Greetz: BND, ENB, BEN, ABG, ERS, BAD, Ulker, NOIC, IMK, DOPE, RDL, 25th, SUC & DIE   |
|                                                                                               |
| Console Greetz : LFC, CZN, MNC, TC, AGS, EUR, OS, DX, HS, CPL, QSR, MSFTUG, INC, VGA and UKA  |
|                                                                                               |
| Personal Greetz: Crusader , Destop, Starfox, Sober, Cliffi, Kid Stardust, Hulksta, Closedone  |
|                  Colt, Erkay, Stage, DBX, Hudson, rkr, Ryst, Galactic, Rico, Alrocksu, Peter  |
|                  Acidline, Croc, Romaster, Genius, Wayne K., Butterfly, Ego_UK, Sober, Ryst   |
|                  Nintense, Mathew2, Wildfire, Colt, Funrock, Erkay, Palteam, N|NJA & Zaner.   |
|                                                                                               |
|                                                                                               |
|                                                                                               |
|                          N B C  G E R M A N Y   M E M B E R   N E W S                         |
|                                                                                               |
|                                                                                               |
|                               Jim3op got a GBC Supplier for us                        	|
|                                                                                               |
|                                                                                               |
|_                                                                                             _|
 /__________________________ __     N B C   G E R M A N Y     __ ______________________________\
                             )//      __ __ __:__ __ __      \\(
                              //____ _\((__))_|_((__))/_ ____\\
                                       \      |      /

                     - (  ASCII & LAYOUT (C) CRUSADER/MO'SOUL/HELLFIRE  ) -

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