Eager (to live) by Life on Mars
Full title: Eager (to live) Label: Life on Mars Credits: spke^lom (Design, Code) nq^skrju (Music) The "Hype Productions" intro was coded by trefi using graphics by diver^4d and music by nq^skrju Party: 3BM OpenAir 2015 Compo: ZX Spectrum Demo Requirements: ZX Spectrum 128K/+2ab/+3/Pentagon/ScorpionZS256+ This demo absolutely requires 3.5MHz CPU. It may start without it, but you won't enjoy it nearly as much. AY/YM stereo mod is highly recommended (ABC or ACB are both supported). Duration: About 3 minutes of content; the demo is looped Contacts: zxintrospec@gmail.com Notes: <3 summer, 3BM and Hype. Special thank you to diver^4d for his massive help in re-designing the intro, few other cool suggestions and real ZX Pentevo testing/audio recording. We are also very grateful to riskej for his help with testing the demo on a real ZX Spectrum +3 (this is how we discovered that our original balance was not all that great) and also for his extensive knowledge of classics. "Eager" is a demo about sensation (in the Jungian sense of the word). It is very much a demo build around a sound design, and as such it is intended to reproduce a sensation of sound blowing at you through a set of substantial speakers. Hence this demo's obsession with tunnels and zoomers is an intentional part of the design; hence, the story this demo is trying to tell has no true ending. Put simply, this demo is about stuff flying in your face endlessly. I believe that "Eager" is the second ZX Spectrum demo to properly combine digi-drums with 50Hz newschool demoeffects in full screen (the first demo of this kind was "Scroller" by DeMarche (2010)). "Scroller" implemented digidrums using Covox; this demo does not require any extensions. Thanks to riskej and boleg, I know several other examples of demos that featured digi-drums tracks combined with non-static imagery ("Mind Gigademo" by Cross Road/Bad Boys Company (1994), "Zy-zy Megademo" by Megacode/KSA (1996) as well as "Andrenalize" by Global Corp (1998)). All of them ("Scroller" included) achieved this feat by careful interleaving of the sound loop with the effect codes. The complexity of such an arrangement is such that in every one of these demos, only one scene is coded with the digital drums and the effects are limited to various constant-time routines: i.e. combinations of multicolour, scrolling, unpacked animations etc. The strategy used in this demo is very different and is more reminiscent of the "interrupting drums" commonly used in beeper engines. The basic idea is that if digi-drum sounds are all relatively short (about 110,000 t-states in our case, i.e. about 31.4 ms), it is possible to use track with relatively slow speed and pre-generate in advance video frames to be shown as needed (even in the middle of drum playback). This dramatically reduces the (constant) time requirements for the effects and allows, in principle, to implement almost any type of an effect as long as its average and maximum running times are within the engine requirements. It also allowed me to use fairly high-quality samples, at 31.25kHz. The engine can simultaneously playback two samples into two different channels, which helped to compensate for relatively low volume of digital sounds on AY/YM chip by doubling up the sound. It also allowed us to play some neat tricks with the stereo. In the case of this demo, the music speed is 5, i.e. in theory drum sounds may need to be produced once every 5 frames. In reality the average would be just over one drum kick per 10 frames. One frame out of every five is occupued by copying of frames from buffer onto the screen. This leaves me, on average, with about 30-35K t-states per generated frame, i.e. I tend to generate about 4 new frames per every 5 frames with the drum sound. My frame buffer holds 8 frames. The need to render effects into the buffer and then copy them onto the screen necessitates the use of attribute-only effects and gives me about 30000/768 ~ 40 t-states per byte to play with. I worked hard to make this limitation not overly blatant. Essentially, the demo is based upon three effects. First, I prepared two different versions of the tunnel. One type of the tunnel is a plasma-type LUT, which is very smooth (fixed-point arithmetics, essentially), but fairly slow, ~100 t-states per byte and not very convenient to use with textures. The key speed up is achieved by working with the 256 bytes square chunk buffer and then very quickly copying/reflecting it onto the screen: ld a,(hl) : ld (nn),a : ld (mm),a ld (bc),a : ldi ; less than 15t per byte The second kind of the tunnel is a much faster direct LUT, which is great for working with textures, but not very flexible in terms of available dynamics. The second effect is the combination of striped animation technique that appeared in my previous demos with the palette cycling, to significantly increase the number of frames for motion of objects across the screen, all in 50fps full screen. I am still very excited about this style of animation and will surely do more of it. The third effect is a true chaos zoomer, also in 50Hz. It turns out that the main trick to get this effect working translates well onto ZX Spectrum architecture; the resulting render is simply a sequence of pre-generated: ld hl,nn : ldi (the main magic is, of course, in the specially prepared table look-ups). I will definitely look into higher resolution implementation of chaos zoomer on ZX Spectrum some time soon. Overall, this demo took a lot more time than I expected due to my difficulties in coming up with the scheme for synchronizing asynchronyous frame generator with the display of frames synchronized to the soundtrack. The balance between digital/chip sound also proved tricky to get right. I definitely was not ready for the resulting complications; hence, the relatively raw state of the party version of the demo. Hopefully, this improved final version should resolve most of the issues with the party release. Libraries: The variation of PSG player used in this demo is the fastest player of compressed PSG music currently available on ZX Spectrum. It always uses less than 1K t-states (below 500 t-states per frame on average). The compressor is by psndcj^tbk, with some minor format modifications by yours truly. The demo kernel is my usual demo kernel with numerous hacks needed to accomodate the asynchronious playback of frames. I do not think I will use the kernel from this demo elsewhere, at least not without re-writing; I did not fully comprehend the consequences of asynchronicity when I was hacking together a custom kernel and the resulting kernel ended up being too capricious. Otherwise, the toolset I used to make "Eager" is very similar to what I did in my previous demos. The only big change was much more active use of Processing, where I created all of my effects before converting them to ZX Spectrum and generated over 100K of assembler source codes for some of the effects.
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