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magic ball by Hypernova

                               Magic Ball

   Released at the Assembly 1994 party held in Helsinki, Finland.

   │ 1. - About the intro                                               │

    This intro requires:
     - 386 processor
     - compatible VGA card.
     - 370Kb of free memory.  While the demo itself may be small, it
       consumes quite a bit of memory to do it's task.
     - you can freely use memory managers like EMS,QEMM, and the others.

    Magic Ball is basically intended as a BBS-ad for my BBS (Neo Tokyo).
    You just may be getting to see this intro back... <g>

   │ 2. - About the author                                              │

    My name is Olivier Reubens, handle : Tasmaniac.  I'm currently member
    of the ACiD, the ANSi art group, and HypernovA, a small new local demo
    group.  You'll be hearing from us...

   │ 3. - Greets and the like                                           │

    Greetings go to (in alphabetical order)

     - ACiD.
       - Beastie
       - Breez
       - Lord Jazz
       - Rad Man
       - Rocket Scientist
       - Somms
       - The Hit Man
     - Binary Slave
     - Blue Adonis
     - CIA
       - Purple Zebra
       - Sleeping Dog
     - Digital House
     - Hall9000
     - Hypernova.
       - Evil Batman
       - Herr Cichlid
       - oVan
       - Saltarello
       - Satan Bug
     - Iguana
     - Infini
     - Impact Studios
     - Imphobia/Cascada
       - Darkness
       - PL
       - Sam
       - Wizard
       - Zodiac
     - Pfuusuus/PSD
     - Legend Design
       - Brian
     - Virtual Visions
       - Otto Chröns
     - Delusion / Radical Rhythms   (XTracker rules !)
       - Bob
       - Cosmic
       - Ray
       - Canibal
     - Surprise!Productions
       - Rick Dangerous
     - The European Technology
       - Royal
     - Triton
     - Wolfje/$PA
     - Everyone attending the Assembly '94 party.  Except for that group
       just a few meters away which just had to continuously play the same
       the whole fucking three days long.
     - I already KNOW I've forgot a lot of you.  Sorry, no hard feelings.
       After 2 days of near continuous BOOM!BOOM!BOOM! music not far away
       I'm having difficulty to concentrate.

    I don't have a habit of greeting people/groups I don't know, so don't
    get upset if you're not in the list <g>.

    BTW.  This NFO file is the same size as the intro itself.

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