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The Gathering 1996 Invitation Intro by Scoop

║                      The Gathering 1996 Invitation Intro                    ║

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				   ██ ░░░░░ ██
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║                                    Credits                                  ║

		      Coding/Graphics/Model : Adept / SCOOP
		            GUS Player : PL / SCOOP
		        Music : Jogeir Liljedahl / SCOOP
		 	           PMODE : TRAN

║                                      Info                                   ║

This intro is programmed in 100% pure ASSEMBLER, using Turbo Assembler 4.0.
For the Protected Mode, we've used TRANs PMODE.
The intro only supports Gravis Ultrasound as sound device. (WITH REASONS!!)

Sorry if you have problems running this intro, but it was a momentary thing
and was done in a hurry. So..

Anyway, have fun.. PARTY ON, DUDES!!!!

║                                   Adept / SCOOP                             ║
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