No Monkey by Tomchi
Title : NOMONKEY Target: ATARI STE 2 MEGS GFX: Arklif,Carniva,C-Rem,Hylst, Larwick and YOYO. Code'n'Noize: TomChi Ok, billion times seen effects which i did in the learning to code process. This demo is "99%" GfA, asm inline used for depack and some of the raster effects use lonny pursell's last compiler library update allowing to insert some machine code directly into the GfA prog. Make it easier to use Timer B. Credits have to be given to YOYO for the purple title screen, and Carniva + Larwick for the end pic, guys your gfx are really cool :) Atari made gfx are done by Arklif, C-Rem and hylst, thx a lot mates. If there are any motivated noobs like me left, or if you're just curious about the code, don't hesitate to register on my beloved and ask for the source codes. Never give up, never get bored, stay bah, stay GfA :P ****************************************
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