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Berry Nice! by Luis [web]

Release Info
Name        : Berry Nice!                                       
Author      : Luis Gonzalez - lobster@luis.net
Music       : Dr. Vector/Megahawks Inc.
Compo       : Wild Demo                                      
Platform    : Mobile Phone J2ME (MIDP-2.0)                                  
Hardware    : Blackberry Curve 8530                                  

No JSR 184, M3D, MP3 or Proprietary APIs used. 
Tested on Blackbery 8100, 8530
Blackberry Resolution is 320x240.
Should work on most phones and resolutions.

@Party Logo : Raven
MOD Engine  : Martin Cameron - MuXM
3D Cheese   : Clint Bellanger
3D Star     : Savino

3D Engine based on code from Philippe Coval
Plane deformations based on formulas by  I±igo Quilez
Lens Formula based on tutorials by Abe Racadabra
Fixed point math class by CW

Martin Cameron. MuXM Library

I±igo Quφlez. Academic Plane Deformations

Kramii. A Better J2ME fillTriangle

Oracle. Sun Java Reference 

Sun Microsystems. Performance Tuning

Ken Perlin. Improved Noise reference implementation

Robert Olofsson . Fast Fractals by Robo

Tubologue. Image manipulation with J2ME 12

Java.net. J2ME Tutorial, Part 1: Creating MIDlets

Oracle. Sun Java Wireless Toolkit for CLDC 12

Java Performance Tips

Oracle. Java Development Kit

Inverse Reality. 3D Transformations with Matrices
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