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Michigan by Loonies [web]

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 - -diP--------------------------------------------------------------uP!- -

                        a 4 kb intro by Loonies
                    Released at The Gathering 2011
                         Combined intro compo
Code: Psycho (psycho@loonies.dk)
Music & Direction: Maytz (maytz@loonies.dk)

Crinkler (1.3) used for compression and Loonies FMSynth for music.

DirectX 11 and a DirectX 11 Graphics Card required for the real version.

DX10 fallback version requires DirectX 11 software and a DirectX 10 card
with compute shader support (Geforce 8600+ or Radeon 4770+). It is only doing
half the amount of particles (which are in turn bigger) and is not particulary 
size optimized.

Designed for 16:9 resolutions.

1 Million particles in the system, updated and rasterized by single compute shader.
Distance functions (and more) used for spawning and affecting particles.
Simple blur/glow postprocssing compute shader pass.

Additional info

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