Glorified Asteroids - A Glorified Asteroids Game by xernobyl
--== Glorified Asteroids - A Glorified Asteroids Game ==-- Volume 1. Backup Plan, party coding didn't work that well. A stupid game done by xernobyl, released at Euskal party 2010. Excpect a not so bad game soon. It requires a really fast CPU, and a really bad GFX card (1999 should be fine). Controls: ESC is the most important key! Use it to quit the game. UP DOWN RIGHT LEFT move your GLORIFIED HOVERCRAFT'ISH THING Z fires freeking laser beams! Credits: Mostly all by xernobyl. This was actually a stupid school project I had to do. A few late night sundays of coding, every two weeks for 1 month or so. I started working on a even more GLORIFIED version last week as it seems (stupid ass fucking lame) game coding is easier than democoding. Maybe just because I don't really care about the final product. Is slow because of the phisics. For some reason I had to do an o(N^N) hack... Anyway if you play it for more than 10 seconds it's a win I guess. Greetings: stg7, evil, jae, breakneck, zeroshift, ham, navis, the nocturns guys, and you, if you actually try to play it. Fuckings: ATI GLSL compiler for not returning errors when it should. Just because I have one, I don't believe nVidia is any better. Now back to the not so bad game coding.
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