Oxygen (final) by Coral [web]
o x y g e n c o r a l 1st at assembly 98 64kb intro competition yes, a 64kb intro. code, music & graphics weed Nowadays, creating a good full-length demo requires an army of good graphicians and a decent (working) 3d engine. As I was lacking both, I decided to make this intro. Not. The actual reason for doing this was the music which I have had standing in my HD for about a year now. Everything in this intro was coded explicitly for it from scratch during the month of creation. Thanks to Jiber/TDC for VESA routines and some stuff I recoded twice before including it. The version shown at Assembly '98 naturally fit the 64k limit. I didn't even have any problems doing that; it was actually harder to come up with stuff to fill that space with. The release version would also be under 64k if I wouldn't have to use MIDAS. 'Oxygen' should work fine under Windows 95 (sometimes it suggests dos mode but you can safely ignore it :), but as the screen synchronization cannot be done properly under win95 you may experience small flicker. This production uses Coral Demosystem v1.0b, PMODE/W 1.33 & MIDAS 1.1.1. The version shown at the party used MXMPlay instead of MIDAS. Use command-line options 'v' and 's' for video and/or sound setup. http://www.pcuf.fi/~weed/coral weed@pcuf.fi or w/ snail, Jari Saukkonen, Lehtokurpanpolku 4, 01450 Vantaa, Finland
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