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Super VGA by Rebellion

Hi folks...

This demo is written for VGA's which are fully 100% compatible cards. There
are a few cards which wont support the resolution used to so I guess thats
just tough - everyone else's works!

Another thing - if you are getting load's of flicker or stuff like that
during the demo, quit out of it and run it again with a lower mixing rate.

We have tested this on a number of 286-16mhz machines and there was no
problems as long as they mixed at 6000hz (choice A on the mixing menu...)

It ran perfectly on the above mentioned machines and we have tested it on
everything from 386SX's to 486's and there didn't seem to be any problem. If
the demo has problems on your particular computer, try a number of the
following steps

- remove all TSR's from memory
- make sure you are NOT running networking software or any other memory
  managing software such as QEMM386

if all of the above steps fail or are not applicable to you, do the
ultimate - boot from a clean dos disk and run the demo.

The mod file is "Beyond Music" which is pretty good. Available on any good
SoundBlaster BBS near you. 

If you are really desperate to get your name on this, give us a buzz on
The Communications Barrier, number listed after the demo closes, and we'll
chuck it on another load or demo or something that we put out soon. Mail
me if you are really that sad, or if you want something overnight email
"Rishi Mehra" on any BBS in SBCnet.

Look forward to your comments... l8r!

Bitstream & the rest.


Beta Test Changes -

 ■ Reduced disk access to 2 passes.. Now loads OVL file quicker.
 ■ Added support for another 3 SVGA cards.
 ■ Extra SVGA banks detected. If 1024kb detected, demo will swap data in &
   out of banks properly.
 ■ Now detects QEMM or some other EMS 386 Memory managers like 386Max which
   might slow the system down.
 ■ All other major bugs fixed.
 ■ CRC protection.

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