Indypaint by Lazer [web]
------------------------------------------------------------------- INDY-PAINT V1.0 -------------------------- Copyright 1993 by Photon/Lazer/Independent Gerhard Seiler Feldgasse 29 A-2326 Ma. Lanzendorf AUSTRIA ------------------------------------------------------------------- +----------------------------------------------------------------+ ! This program is FREEWARE! This means that you can copy ! ! this program freely. If you are using this program regularly ! ! then please send me ~50 DM. I still have a lot of functions ! ! in mind that I want to include (Like other picture formats ! ! -GIF, DEL, BMP, NEO,... - , color locking, an animation tool, ! ! locking of specific picture areas) but I will only include ! ! these functions, if I get enough response from you people ! ! using Indypaint. ! ! ! +----------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- INDEX ===== 1. History 2. Basics 2.1. Getting started 2.2. Selecting your resolution 2.3. Palette options 2.4. The normal drawing functions 2.5. Working with Indypaint 3. Disk options 4. Zoom mode 5. Block functions 6. Drawing effects 7. Miscellaneous functions 8. Other very important things.. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. History: ------------ 2. Basics: ---------- 2.1. Getting started: The following files should be with this program: INDY.PRG INDY.PAL INDY.INF INDY.DOC INDY.TXT As well as several demo-pictures. You can run Indy-paint from any resolution in the desktop. Indy will automatically adjust itself to the right modes, detecting RGB or VGA resolutions on its own. Indy only works for the True-color mode of the FALCON 030! 2.2. Selecting your resolution: Now it is time to select the resolution you want to use. By pressing <F5> the pop-up menu will appear, and you can select the resolution using the mouse. !! Note that changing the resolution will erase !! !! your current pictures... !! 2.3. Palette options You can activate your color palette by pressing <SPACE>. A pop-up menu will appear and you can select your desired color using the mouse Note: You are in a true-color mode. This means, that the palette is only a tool for some often used colors. Changing one color in the palette will NOT affect the picture! Press <ALT>+<SPACE> to enter the palette options screen: a.) Editing a single color: Click on the color you want to change in the palette. Now you can adjust the RGB-Values of this color either by moving the slider in the R,G and B bars, or by clicking on the values beside these bars (Left button=up, Right button=down) Another possibility to alter a color is by using the 3 sliders below the R,G and B bars. Their functions are -)Luminance -)Chrominance 1 -)Chrominance 2 b.) Defining a color range: Select your start-color for your color range and adjust it. Do the same with the ending color. Now make sure that the end color is selected and click on the startcolor using the right mousebutton. c.) Copying a color: Click on your desired color and keep the mousebutton pressed. The mousepointer should now be a pointing finger. Move the mouse to the place you want to copy the color and release the button. d.) The -UNDO- function: To prevent mistakes while defining a new palette the palette is copied into an undo-buffer when enterring this screen. If you make a mistake and define a wrong color-range then click on the UNDO-button and your original palette will be restored. Clicking on the UNDO-button using the right button will store your actual palette in the UNDO-buffer. e.) The -REMAP- function: Imagine you have drawn a little logo using a green color-range but you need it in red colors. Then redefine the colorrange in red. It is important that the new colors are at the exact same position as the old ones. Then click on -REMAP- ,select if you want to remap the whole screen or only the selected block, and Indy will redraw your logo in the red colors. f.) The -GREY- function: This option enables you to transform your picture or block into a greyscale picture. g.) The -MASK- function: This function creates a mask of your block or screen. All pixels not black will be replaced by the color you have selected. 2.4. Normal drawing functions: Indy features a lot of drawing functions. Most of them can be activated from the pop-up menu -Drawing functions- by pressing <F1>. You can also activate these functions by pressing the following keys: <P>..... Point <D>..... Draw <L>..... Line Click at start point, keep the button pressed, and release it when you have reached your destination point.(Most Indy-functions work this way) <F>..... Frame Draws a box <B>..... Box Draws a filled box <E>..... Ellipse Draws an ellipse Hold the ALTERNATE key for a circle <Z>..... Fill Click into the area to be filled <S>..... Spline Click on the start-point and draw a line to the endpoint. Then the spline will follow your mouse. Press the Mouse-button when you have placed the spline. <C>..... Color-spread You will see how this option works using this example: Draw 3 small filled boxes somewhere on the screen using different colors in every box. Press <C>. Then click on the first filled box and a line will appear. Click on the 2nd and the 3rd and press the right mousebutton. Then a wonderful colorrange will appear between the boxes. This Options works with as many points you want. <K>..... Polygon <I>..... Filled Polygon 2.5. Working with Indypaint: a.) While you are drawing you can select any drawn color as your actual color, by clicking on it with the right mousebutton. If you want to select a drawn color from the picture and want to store it in your palette too, then press <ALT>+right mousebutton. b.) By pressing <.> on the numeric keypad,you can activate a coordinate display in the upper left corner. Pressing <ENTER> moves this display to the actual mouseposition. c.) The keys <+> and <-> scroll through the palette d.) The keys 7/4, 8/5 and 9/6 on the numeric keyboard alter the RGB values of the actual color. They work exactly as the already described slider bars in the palette options e.) The <UNDO> Key always takes back the last finished drawing action. f.) The <N> Key activates the grid (See also section 7) g.) The <J> Key switches between the two workscreens 3. Disk options: ----------------- Activate these options by pressing <F3>. You can now use the following features: a.) Load Indy picture b.) Save Indy picture c.) Load Indy block d.) Save Indy block e.) Load Indy palette f.) Save Indy palette g.) Load Eggpaint picture (only unpacked pictures!) h.) Save Eggpaint picture (only unpacked pictures!) i.) Load Degas Elite Pi3 When saving a Indy-picture Indy will question you if you want to save your palette along with the picture. If you answer with yes Indy stores your actual palette in a palette-file with the same name as your picture. When loading this picture and Indy detects a palette with the same name, you will be asked if you want to load this palette too. When Indypaint is started, it looks in the active directory for a file named INDY.PAL and, if successful it uses it as the default palette. 4. Zoom mode: ------------- The zoom mode is activated by pressing <RETURN>. You will discover that there are two ways for drawing in this mode. Indy is designed to satisfy those who loved the Degas zoom and for those who loved the real time magnification used in NEOchrome. When drawing in the right window, the zoom mode works Degas-Elite-like. The important difference although is, that ALL (!!) drawing functions (also special effects,etc) work too. If you draw something (ex.: a box) that exceeds the limits of the zoom the window will follow and automatically scroll along. When drawing in the left window the right window functions as a real time zoomer. As for the drawing options, they are the same as described above. If you want to set a marker where the right window is positioned on the screen, press <TAB>. This works even in the normal drawing screen. All functions as described in 2.5. work as well. If you want to enter the palette options menu, click on the big color box showing your actual color. 5.. The Block options: ---------------------- a.) Selecting a block: Press <ESC> and select your block. This works as if you are drawing a box. If you hold ALTERNATE the block will be moved and not copied. Press <A> to activate the jacknife option. This works as if you are drawing a polygon b.) Toggle Blockmode: You can switch between the drawing tools and your block with pressing '<>' c.) Mirroring a block: Press <INSERT> and <CLEAR HOME> to mirror your block along the x and y axis. d.) Selecting a transparent block: Press <2> for a transparent block and <1> for a solid block. Further details are described in section 6. Drawing effects. e.) Activating the block modify screen: Press <BACKSPACE> to activate this option. -) Click on the upper left button stating the activated block effect. A pulldown menu appears where you can choose your effect: Rotate: Press the mousebutton and move the mouse left and right to rotate the block. Click on the degree values above to increase and decrease the value (Left and right button) Stretch: Click on the lower right corner and hold the button to stretch the block. Hold <ALT> to stretch the block proportionally. Click on the x and y values to increase and decrease them. Distort: Click on the corners of the block and hold the button while moving them to distort the block. Flip x + Flip y: See c.) Recalc button: If you want to apply two or more effects onto the block then press recalc before executing the next effect. Undo button: When entering this screen the block is copied into an undo-buffer. Whenever you are dissatisfied with the result of a block operation, click on undo, and the original block will be restored. Note that pressing the recalc button does NOT destroy the undo- buffer. Pressing <SPACE> exits... 6. Drawing effects: ------------------- The drawing effects can be accessed by pressing <F2> or <1> to <6>. <1>.....Solid Draws everything solid in the foreground. <2>.....Transparent Draws a block transparent. <3>.....Background Draws everything behind existing graphics. <4>.....Add Adds the colors of the actual operation to the existing background. <5>.....Sub Subtracts the colors of the actual operation from the existing background. <6>.....Smooth Smoothes the colors in the area that is affected by the actual drawing operation. The Color selected can be any but black. All effects work with all drawing tools. e.g. you can smooth an area with a box, or add a block to the background to make light-spots. 7. Miscellaneous functions: --------------------------- Activate these options by pressing <F4> Grid: You can alter the height and width values by clicking on them with the left and right mousebutton. The second possibility to set your grid is by clicking somewhere in the screen and holding the mousebutton. You can now see a grid been drawn as big as you want it. The Grid can be activated by pressing <N>. Copy screen: Copies workscreen 1 to workscreen 2 and vice versa. Clear screen: CAUTION: There is no security question, but -UNDO- restores your screen. 8.) Other very important things.. ---------------------------------
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