Unconventional 2000 invitation by Foundation Two
Unconventional Invitenontro --------------------------- 1.) Usage: The invitenontro does not run under RGB!!!!!!!! -> VGA only In two weeks I'm back from holidays, and then I will try to patch it that it run under RGB as well. When you see the Warning screen, press the ATARI-rulez Button to continue. 2.) The Idear of this invitenontro The uc_in. is the first demo of NonConForm. So don't exspect any kind of exciting visual effects. NonConForm is in development until 1 and a half year, and need some time more, to become Version 1.0. 3.) What is NonConForm NCF should be come a Rapid Multimedia Builder (RMB). Well the name says, that it is inspired by C++ Builder. You should create with NCF screens, and the relationship beetween screens, combine them with Mod's and samples and the imortant thing: make click, and you have a executable Pure C Project/Code/Programm. The main object NCF was created for are games. But you could also use it for a environment for a demo. A good example is the opening effect of the invitnontro, wich was done by Paranoid / Paranoia. The workflow of a NCF project looks like this: You first load the neccessary pictures(and charsets) and sounds into the memory manayer. The you create various forms(screens). On such a form you could put Buttons, panels, texts, sprites, sliders(very beta) and arrays of these types. You could resize, move and delete these components at every time. You could also edit every component in an Object Inspector. After you created the forms, you define relationships between the forms. This means, that you define, that a logo form will be followed by an option forms for example. In these relationships you could define a overblend effect, a mod that should be played and samples that you be played. Then you could define which sprite will be controlled by which controller (joystick, joypad, keyboard, mouse). Or what buttongroup controlls the setting of the controller!! You could also define a hiscore table and what text fields contains the hiscore values. Some forms could be reused, for example the fileselector, or a (upcoming) modplayer, A mp3 player with themes is also possible( but I need a source code of such a player first ). A lot of these functions allready work, some of them are beta. The next things to add will be: - stable effect including (not only at the beginning, also at the end and between two forms) - FLI support -> if somebody have other routines for AVI etc please send get in contact with me - Level Editor you could load levels into a array of panels or buttons - Animation Editor - Layer management. So far the whole screen will be updated, this will be changed soon. - more overblend effects (so far there are 5) First of all I will make a Version 0.5. This will need some time I thing. I will do a short demonstration at the Unconventional. Of course I would be happy, if some people would like to help me with routines, charsets, icons etc. See you in Lengenfeld Mad Butscher / Foundation Two tbuschk@mainz-online.de
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