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Relativity Magazine #4

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        ·─┼─·───────────────── Relativity News ─────────────────·─┼─·
            │ │                                               │ │
            │ │   As you all know by now, we are continuing   │ │
            │ │   to establish ourselves as well as setting   │ │
            │ │   and maintaining new standards versus the    │ │
            │ │   basic principles of an emag. In this cool   │ │
            │ │   issue we added S3M support, a brand new     │ │
            │ │   cd player with way less bugs and more...    │ │
            │ │   We need your support as always to ensure    │ │
            │ │   that bugs are reported and fixed. Also, if  │ │
            │ │   your interested in writing a few articles   │ │
            │ │   or anything at all, submit them to us now!  │ │
            │ │   Even if you are not in our group, your name │ │
            │ │   will be mentioned in the next issue for     │ │
            │ │   submitting to our emag. The memories of the │ │
            │ │   scene will always be with you!              │ │
            │ │                                               │ │
            │ │   WARNING: Do not apply if you think you will │ │
            │ │   get warez or anything else for being in our │ │
            │ │   group. Our pleasure is releasing the emag   │ │
            │ │   and that is our reward. We dont like people │ │
            │ │   who are power hungry either so go away!     │ │
            │ │                                               │ │
            │ │                                    - En|{rypt │ │
            │ │                                               │ │
            │ │   A word From Muad : i added tons of things   │ │
            │ │                      have fun .. i wont be    │ │
            │ │                      here to manage and all.. │ │
            │ │                      and enk is in camp       │ │
            │ │                      so sinister and sirmagik │ │
            │ │                      supreme being and deciever │
            │ │                      will run the group in the  │
            │ │                      summer months !          │ │
            │ │                                               │ │
            │ │                                               │ │
            │ │   Additions / Updates: (Issue #4)             │ │
            │ │                                               │ │
            │ │   (a) Brand New Multi-CD Player               │ │
            │ │   (b) F2 Configuration Menu Added (Boombox)   │ │
            │ │                                               │ │

                  ─│─────── RELATIVITY MEMBERLIST ───────│─

 ┌─────────────────────────-·           ·--──────────────────────────────────┐
 │                      -/-\- RELATiViTY LEADERS -/-\-                       │
 └──────────────────────────────────--·           ·-─────────────────────────┘

                            φ en|{rypt φ muaddib φ

 ┌─────────────────────────-·           ·--──────────────────────────────────┐
 │                    -/-\- RELATiViTY COORDiNATORS -/-\-                    │
 └──────────────────────────────────--·           ·-─────────────────────────┘

                               head coordinator:

         art:     coding:     demo:    music:     scene:     sci/fi:
         none     muaddib     none     masema     sinister   zeddicus
                  * We are still thinking about new ideas *
                  * to expand on our content. Contact us! *

 ┌─────────────────────────-·           ·--──────────────────────────────────┐
 │                      -/-\- RELATiViTY CODERS -/-\-                        │
 └──────────────────────────────────--·           ·-─────────────────────────┘

                            φ en|{rypt φ muaddib φ

 ┌─────────────────────────-·           ·--──────────────────────────────────┐
 │                     -/-\- RELATiViTY COURiERS -/-\-                       │
 └──────────────────────────────────--·           ·-─────────────────────────┘

                φ acidfreez φ cool_ice φ en|{rypt φ [wez] φ

 ┌─────────────────────────-·           ·--──────────────────────────────────┐
 │                      -/-\- RELATiViTY ARTiSTS -/-\-                       │
 └──────────────────────────────────--·           ·-─────────────────────────┘

            φ acidfreez φ ali φ creature of hell φ eclipse φ ex-con φ
          φ masema φ merchant φ redman φ son of sam φ star φ synthetic φ

 ┌─────────────────────────-·           ·--──────────────────────────────────┐
 │                      -/-\- RELATiViTY WRiTERS -/-\-                       │
 └──────────────────────────────────--·           ·-─────────────────────────┘

           φ bluedice φ biskit φ brikz φ cipher φ eclipse φ en|{rypt φ
            φ elyx0r φ ereet φ evil spirit φ ex0 φ freaky φ hexagon φ
            φ jonno φ liberate φ masema φ muaddib φ pps φ roadrebel φ
             φ scorpion φ sinister φ sirmagik φ star φ ti-m φ [wez] φ
                 φ zeddicus φ 2ooMhz φ Supreme Being φ NickHexum φ 

 ┌─────────────────────────-·           ·--──────────────────────────────────┐
 │                      -/-\- RELATiViTY TRiALS -/-\-                        │
 └──────────────────────────────────--·           ·-─────────────────────────┘

                     ─│─────── BBS/FTP Site List ───────│─

   │   Name       Sysop/Siteop    Speed    Nodes/Number    Room     Position │
   │ LOOKiNG   ┤├ MAYBE YOU?   ┤├ ISDN+ ┤├[3+] ---------┤├ 10+GB ┤├ WHQ      │
   │ Blank     ┤├ Superunknown ┤├ 33.6  ┤├[1] 2815788090┤├ 02GB! ┤├ DiSTRO   │
   │           ┤├ And Psyko    ┤├       ┤├              ┤├       ┤├          │
   │ RayTech   ┤├ RaYf00       ┤├ 33.6  ┤├[3] XXXXXXXXXX┤├ 10GB! ┤├ BBS      │
   │ sHDWKNGHt ┤├ sHDWKNGHt    ┤├  t3   ┤├[-] XXXXXXXXXX┤├ 02GB! ┤├ USHQ     │
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