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Relativity Magazine #3

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       ▀ ▀▓▀ ▀  ▀▓▀ ▐▓▓▀  ▀ ▀ ▀▀▓▀▀ cH!SAC ▀ ▀▓▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀      ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▓▀

            ║ │                                               │ ║
            ║ │   As you all know by now, we are continuing   │ ║
            ║ │   to establish ourselves as well as setting   │ ║
            ║ │   and maintaining new standards versus the    │ ║
            ║ │   basic principles of an emag. In this cool   │ ║
            ║ │   issue we added font support, as well as     │ ║
            ║ │   support for other types of image formats.   │ ║
            ║ │   There are also new features in the F1       │ ║
            ║ │   configuration including our brand new CD    │ ║
            ║ │   player. We need your support as always to   │ ║
            ║ │   ensure that bugs are reported and fixed.    │ ║
            ║ │   Also, if your interested in writing a few   │ ║
            ║ │   articles or whatever, submit them to us!    │ ║
            ║ │   Even if you are not in our group, your name │ ║
            ║ │   will be mentioned for submitting to our     │ ║
            ║ │   emag. The memories of the scene will always │ ║
            ║ │   be with you for your whole life! - En|{rypt │ ║
            ║ │                                               │ ║
            ║ │   We are growing and we are accepting new     │ ║
            ║ │   members, anyone of u can be a member..      │ ║
            ║ │   we have 5 more bbs sites to spread us and   │ ║
            ║ │   we have our official courriers.. rtp aswell │ ║
            ║ │   u can get us on the channel #relativity or  │ ║
            ║ │   our pretty home page http://revp.home.ml.org│ ║
            ║ │   or just jump to #exceed and grab it ...     │ ║
            ║ │   we are looking for new ansi members, editors│ ║
            ║ │   writers in the tons ...                     │ ║
            ║ │   we have many new sections covering all the  │ ║
            ║ │   scene doings so please if u have anything   │ ║
            ║ │   and u just want to submit .. msg me or      │ ║
            ║ │   en|{rypt or liquid or just send to          │ ║
            ║ │   muad@artaxoa.com .. our section cover all   │ ║
            ║ │   the scene so every article should be        │ ║
            ║ │   accepted, and i know you all want your name │ ║
            ║ │   written in the emag :)                      │ ║
            ║ │                                      -MuadDib │ ║
            ║ │                                               │ ║
            ║ │   Additions / Updates: (Issue #3)             │ ║
            ║ │                                               │ ║
            ║ │   (a) Font support                            │ ║
            ║ │   (b) More Image support (ADF)                │ ║
            ║ │   (c) Brightness Control                      │ ║
            ║ │   (d) CD Player                               │ ║
            ║ │   (e) New sections                            │ ║
            ║ │   (f) More parameters                         │ ║
            ║ │                                               │ ║
          .─╨─│─═─═════─═───· Relativity News ·───═─═══════─═─│─╨─.

              │                                               │
              │          * Relativity MemberList *            │
              │                                               │
           .────═─═══════─═─────· LEADERS ·──────═─════════─═────.
           │  │.─.                                         .─.│  │
           │ ·└│─┘           en|{rypt, muaddib             └─│┘· │
           │ │ └───· ·────────────────────────────────· ·────┘ │ │
           │ └·─ ·                                         · ─·┘ │
      .────│────═─══════─═────· COORDINATORS ·─────═─══════─═────│────.
      │    │                                                     │
      │    ╥              head coordinator: liquid               ╥    │
      │    ║                                                     ║    │
      │.─. ║ art:      coding:    scene:     sci/fi:      music: ║ .─.│
      │└─│-║ ex-con    muaddib   sinister   zeddicus   synthet|c ║─│─┘│
      │  │ ║                                                     ║ │  │
      └──┤─║────═─═══════─═─────· CODERS ·───────═─════════─═────║─├──┘
         │ ║                                                     ║ │
         │ ║                 en|{rypt, muaddib                   ║ │
         │ ║                                                     ║ │
         └─║────═─═══════─═─────· ARTISTS ·───────═─═══════─═────║─┘
           ║                                                     ║
           ╨  acidfreez, ali, creature of hell, eclipse, ex-con  ╨
           │         masema, phobia, redman, son of sam          │
           │                     synthet|c                       │
           │                                                     │
     .─────│───═─═══════─═──────· COURIERS ·──────═─═══════─═────│─────.
     │┌──· │                                                     │ ·──┐│
     │·    │         acidfreez, en|{rypt, liquid, [wez]          │    ·│
     │     │                                                     │     │
     ┴  .──│────═─════════─═────· WRITERS ·────═─═════════─═─────│──.  ┴
     │  ╥  │                                                     │  ╥  │
     │  ║  │   bluedice, biskit, brikz, cipher, eclipse, ereet   │  ║  │
     └──║──┘  evil spirit, ex0, freaky, en|{rypt, jonno, liquid  └──║──┘
        ║ ·      masema, muaddib, pps, sinister, ti-m, w1zard     · ║
    ┌─. ║ │                       Zeddicus                        │ ║ .─┐
    │ │ ║ └───·                                               ·───┘ ║ │ │
    └─│─║───────═─═════════─═───· TRIALS ·─────═─══════════─═───────║─│─┘
      │ ╨                                                           ╨ │
      │ │              ali, cipher, evil spirit, ex0                │ │
      │ ·                                                           · │
      └────═─═════════─═────· End of memberlist ·────═─═════════─═────┘

    .─────═─═══════════─═──· BBS/FTP Site List ·──═─═════════════─═──────.
    │   Name    ╥ Sysop/Siteop ╥ Speed ╥ Nodes/Number ╥  Room ╥ Position │
│.─·│ NEEDED    ║ Could be u?  ║ ----  ║[-] ----------║  --GB ║ WHQ      │·─.│
││  │ Blank     ║ Superunknown ║ 33.6  ║[1] 2815788090║ 02GB! ║ DiSTRO   │  ││
│·  │           ║ And Psyko    ║       ║              ║       ║          │  ·│
│   │ Enigmatic ║ Suixide      ║ 33.6  ║[1] 7136263103║ 02GB! ║ DiSTRO   │   │
│   │ Fringe    ║ Professional ║       ║              ║       ║ For BBS  │   │
│   │ Hall Real ║ Horde        ║ 33.6  ║[1] 2813958402║ 1.5GB ║ DiSTRO   │   │
│   │ Helheim   ║ Druid        ║ ISDN  ║+49 XXXXXXXXXX║ 6.5GB ║ GERMAN HQ│   │
│   │ Lunatic - ║ The -        ║ 33.6  ║[3] 453-6155  ║ 15GB! ║ USHQ     │   │
│   │ _Mangler  ║ _Mangler     ║  t3   ║[-] XXXXXXXXXX║ --GB! ║ DOWN     │   │
│   │ Poop      ║              ║       ║              ║       ║ DiSTRO   │   │
│   │ RayTech   ║ RaYf00       ║ 33.6  ║[3] XXXXXXXXXX║ 10GB! ║ DiSTRO   │   │
│   │ sHDWKNGHt ║ sHDWKNGHt    ║  t3   ║[-] XXXXXXXXXX║ 02GB! ║ USHQ     │   │
│   │ The -     ║ Spliffmasta  ║ 33.6  ║[1] 2812428858║ 03GB! ║ DiSTRO   │   │
│   │ Purple Bud║              ║       ║              ║       ║          │   │
    │   Name    ╨ Sysop/Siteop ╨ Speed ╨ Nodes/Number ╨  Room ╨ Position │

     .─────═─═══════════─═──· How to Contact Us ·──═─════════════─═─────.
     │                                                                  │
 .───│ You can reach us on IRC at efnet, channel #relativity, or you can│───.
 │.─·│ go to our new webpage at http://revp.home.ml.org, this page is   │·─.│
 ││  │ being updated on a daily basis so check it out! You can email    │  ││
 │·  │ each of us at the following email addresses:                     │  ·│
 │   │                                                                  │   │
 │   │ Liquid   - liquid@alinc.com (Writing Co-ordinator)               │   │
 │   │                                                                  │   │
 │   │ Muaddib  - muad@artaxia.com                                      │   │
 │   │ En|{rypt - jester@cyberbeach.net                                 │   │
 │   │ Zeddicus - zeddicus@usa.net                                      │   │
 │   │                                                                  │   │
 └───│                                                                  │───┘    

     .─────═─═══════════─═────· How To Apply ·─────═─════════════─═─────.
     │                                                                  │ 
     │ We are currently looking for Writers. We have plenty of artists  │
 .───│ so if you aren't the best artist in the world don't apply please.│───.
 │.─·│ If you run a FTP site that we could use as a DiSTRO then apply   │·─.│
 ││  │ as well! So join the fastest growing and hardest working emag in │  ││
 │·  │ the group! Join #relativity on EFnet to apply. Speak to either   │  ·│
 │   │ En|{rypt, Liquid- or |MuadDib|. We will be around most likely!   │   │
 │   │                                                                  │   │
 │   │                                              -Liquid             │   │
 │   │                                    (Relativity Head Coordinator) │   │
 └───│                                                                  │───┘
           _                                                     _
      .────│───═─══════─═───· Relativity Greets ·───═─══════─═───│────.
      │┌─· │ Groups:  THD·RISE·CB4·DOD·RZR1911·PWA·XF·PSG·RISC   │ ·─┐│
      │·   │                                                     │   ·│
      │    │ Personals: cH, phobia, muaddib, en|{rypt, and       │    │
      │    │            to the rest of the Relativity Team!      │    │
      └────│───═─═════════─═─────· Credits ·─────═─═════════─═───│────┘
           │     Copyright to Relativity(c) Productions 1997     │
           │       Layout, Header, Idea by: cH, and Liquid       │
           │           Updated by En|{rypt on 05·24·97.          │
           │────═─════════─═───· * THE END * ·───═─════════─═────│
           -     "What else is there?  Without Relativity?"      -
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