Panoramix by Poison
,xQQQQx, ________QQ~__ ~QQ, ____ _____ ________ ________ \_______ / `IQ| | ___/__ \____ | _____/ | (/___/ yQ| |______ | \/ | `| | | |QQ, _QQ'| | | (/ | | | | `-----' ^tQQQx^ `----' `------^--fM!---^---|___| P . O . I . S . O . N ────────────> ··∙■ PANORAMIX ■∙·· <──────────────────────────── ─── ─ · - ──═ Credits - coding Spy^Yoghurt music Bartesek gfx Lucky^Fame 3d modelling Yasi^Mophty pmode Tran^Daredevil replay Alfred^Guru/Sahara Surfers - ──═ Requirements - cpu 486DX4 ram 16MB os DOS v5.0+ video hicolor, VESA v1.2+ sound GUS1024/SB/PAS/WSS [optional] - ──═ Greetings - . amnesty, anadune, camorra, dinx project, elysium, exmortis, floppy, fuse, hypnotize, liberty, norferin, pulp, pulse, revelation, screw!bolt, substance, sympathy, tbl, trauma - ──═ Last words - . if you really want more, read 'PO!SON.NFO'
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