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Undercover Magascene #14 by Poets Of Decay


| ____  _________________  __         |
|/  _ \ \ _/       /   __\/  \ volume |
|\_/  / / \    /\__\__/  \/   \  XIV  |
|/    \/  /    \/  /     /    /=======|
|\____    \____    \____/    /o3/o1/99|
|                                     |
| UNDERCOVER MAGASCENE...             |



"I'll finish it
And then I'll quit."
That's the quote
that TAT once said.

but now he left...
many questions we have...
why he did that step...
and left us back...

Stefan Benz  (c) 1998 poets of decay

...mööp! Mutanten voraus!

With about 1o days delay  we finally
matched  it  to smash  it into  your

I know, many people will call me now
a lamer because  I always said: it's
a Xmas  issue and  will be  released
before  the  Christmas  days...  and
ofcourse I fucked up once more.

Anyway... even  if it's  too late we
hope  you  like it  anyway. Ok, it's
not as stuffed as the last issue but
about  8o articles  are waiting  for
you.  Furthermore  there  aren't  as
many screenshots included as the for
the  last time. The  reason  is very
simple. I  just  fucked  up ripping,
esp. the whole STE bunch  made a big
step backwards  for me and finally I
gave  up... have to  get a  hardware
ripper I think =(

But therefore we included some stuff
on the disk and we hope you like it!
At first we have an exclusive little
tool  done  by  THE MYSTIC BYTES,  a
very early  version  of  their ASCII
painter. Furthermore  we  decided to
include the ERROR IN LINE 99 intro.

Ok...  that's  it... just  load  the
magazine for a big laugh =)

           moondog is signing off...

----------------------- o3.o1.99 ---



This UCM finally contains just the
old linking  system  because EarX'
new one  doesn't run  in the right
way on my STFM, and I checked this
out too  late to  fix it... so the
old must do the job again.

It  isn't  EarX's guilt  because I
haven't  checked  his latest stuff
out  after he  sent it  to me some
weeks ago... I'm just la.. add the
missing letters by yourself!

Anyway... go and read the UCM!

------------------------ moondog -
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