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Kindergarden 20005 invitro by Yaphan

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     Kindergarden 10 - Haga - Norway - 11th to 13th of November 20005

Hello, dear reader. Yet again, there is an another edition of Kindergarden. 
Yet again, you might want some info. As we organizers are here to please 
your needs, here are the answers to your preliminary questions, secondary 
questions, even to questions you didn't know you had!

First off, some small history..

Kindergarden was first held in 1994, at Fjellfoten grendehus. The organizers
were Yebo and Arcane. In other words, with Arcane as the first organizer (he 
even still is one), Kindergarden is surely a party like you've never seen 

As we this year celebrate the 10th edition it's time to go onto a new track. 
That's why this time around, Kindergarden will be held in the future! 
The future of 20005.

As they say it.. The future has to start SOME TIME.

So what does this mean to you, dear reader? Nothing much really, you just
have to show up in the future. Luckily in Norway, most public transport has
the Time Machine(tm) option. You don't even have to operate it, just ask the
conductor of your favourite transport and he'll show you the way.

Your favourite public transport should be trains, since that's what's going 
to be your way of reaching the partyplace from Oslo. Unless of course you 
are the fortunate owner of a DeLorean and are planning to ride it.

For further information on the travel subject, you should check 


a few days before the party, as that's the time it will have the most up to 
date information. As a few pointers however, Oslo and Haga are easily reached 
from two norwegian airports, namely the main airport of Gardermoen, and Torp.
Both these airports have some low cost airlines flying to them, check 
www.norwegian.no for gardermoen, www.ryanair.com for torp, or then just check
any of your favourite airliners and see if/where they go. 

(NOTE: If you're planning to book a flight, please first contact the organizers 
at kg@contraz.no. This to make sure you can get to and from the airports with 
public transport, as they won't start too early on sundays.
Even in the future nothing works..)

After you reach the partyplace, we will provide you with the atmosphere, the 
shelter, the power, the tables and the chairs. For some electronic chips, we
will also provide you with your food and non-alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic
beverages are yours to bring. 

Please note that the party will have an 18 year old limit, due to norwegian law. 
If you're for some reason under 18 and still want to come, send an email to 
kg@contraz.no and we'll see what we can do for you.

For the compos, the standard compos and their standard rules applys. 
More detailed info will follow at our website some time in the future, more 
prescisely when we know what compo machines we will have. 

That should be it for now. Questions, fan mail, money donations and so on
can go to kg@contraz.no
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