'''''''''''''''''''''' version 1.0ß ' i n t o b l a c k ' ------------ ' -------------------' total size unpacked 7.86mb ' by ' -------------------------- ' -------------------' ' ' ' IRCnet ' ' ' '''''''''''''''''''''' ++++++++++++++++++ +Demo Information+ ++++++++++++++++++ CODE: ````` Programmed by: dappa aka: Wayne Mike eMAiL: MU$IC: `````` Tracked by: SoLoRiZe aka: Mark Dunn eMAiL: Tracked in: FastTracker 2.08 General Information: ```````````````````` You will need a TNT2 or better to see this demo in all its glory, else sorry but dont bother. You will also need a reasonable cpu let's say 350mhz, then your all set, double click the exe man what the hell you waiting for. Run Information: ```````````````` I tested the demo with win98 and winME, without any complications. I do recomend you run this demo in a 32bpp mode, But if these modes are to slow on your machine the 16bpp modes will be fine :D running time: 2min,40sec (short but oh so very sweeeet -> "nice routines") Notes: `````` Its been a few months. But we are back once more to fuckup your CPU, blowup your R,G,B and take control of your mind. ;) Greets: ``````` lassi,collage,md,slyde,yoghurt, snowkrash,KrayZ,And all at mekka. Websites: ````````` ( (LESS Music Productions) until the next production PEICE. dappa + solorize
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