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Zero Wait State by Melting Pot [web]


             /  __  \
             | |  | |
             | | /  | 
             | |//| | 
             | |/ | |     
             | |__| |                                  
   /\        /\      _   _____                         
   \ \  /\  / /     |_| /_  __\                        
    \ \/  \/ / /\    _    | |                          
     \  /\  / /  \  | |   | |                          
      \/  \/ /_/\_\ |_|   |_|                          
   _________               _______
  / _______/              / _____/
  \ \  _______    _______ \ \
   \ \/___   _\  /___   _\ \ \
    \ \   | |  /\    | |   / /
_____\ \  | | /  \   | |  / /____
\_______\ |_|/_/\_\  |_| /_______\ 

just few days to do it !!!

Strongly recommanded configuration :
  P3 600  / TNT 2 16Mo
  Celeron / GeForce 

<- Credits ------------------------>

  Visual : Krafton  - _krafton@caramail.com

  Code   : Mickey   - mickey@melting-pot.org
           Muf      - muf@melting-pot.org
           Skeet    - skeet@melting-pot.org

  Music  : Garou    - garou@melting-pot.org
           DaR!pp3r - ripper@melting-pot.org
<- Greetings ---------------------->

Garou greets : 
  Fred for his talent and motivation to help me to achieve this project.
  Mtp Chat! 
  Le grapheur qui m'a prete pleins de CD dans du papier sopalin ;-) il se reconnaitra
  Netasq Krew

Skeet greets : 
  Ecstasy for his help with the max exporter
  my CVS server for his help to syncrhonise our work
  Team cHmAn

Muf greets :
  Ecstasy too, for his help
  RD2P team for allowing squat !
  Fury (au fait j'attends toujours ton BombermaN ;-))

Mickey greets :
  Agnes for her love
  David for giving me holidays before the meeting (have you got the choice ?)
  Baz for his help in copan
  Kartoch for his bike
  my PC for not crashing too much
  the Tudor Inn for its good beer
  Krafton for the motivation
  and the last but not the least ... YOU ! for enjoying this demo    

krafton gReets : 
	oeil pour oeil team...etc....
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