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Feels Good by Dual Crew Shining [web]

                  ___ ________   ___________    __________
             km! _\  \_       \ _\ _        \ _/         / .k0
                 \    /       /    /________/  \         \
             -╗>-/____\_______\ ___________\ ___\_________\-<½-
               - ------------------------------------------ -
                 . : D U A L  C R E W  &  S H I N I N G : .

            Hi mom

            This is a hurried up bitmappy Pegasos demontration
            for Motorola Inside 05. Let's call it "Feels Good"
            and it was created by yours truly.

            For your information, you need need mpega.library.
            This is the final still hopelessly crappy version,
            but features quitting mechanism and couple of CLI-
                n(omusic)	disables music
                w(indowed)	not fullscreen

            Thanks to Kiero/MaWi for mpega glue and enviroment
            help. Greetings for nice people and smart people.


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