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Toddlers Terror by Spirit New Style

                        @@@ Toddlers Terror @@@         

Yo, Hi, and welcome to thiz cool introzje. Thiz stuff has been made
only with the goal to make something nice and funny... so no 3d-
glenz-sinusfreaked-screensized-16.8millcolrs-vector-cube or something...
just something nice, simple but with style.

This documentation is not here to bore you to death or something so
I'll make it short to ease the agony...

If you want to play some other music (using a SoundBlaster, Adlib, GUS
or something) you might have noticed that it iszznt pozzible because
Toddlers Terror kills the interrupts (inters.die). Well... if you want 
to play music anyway during thizzzmall intro load your player, shell to
DOS and ztart the intro like thizz

C:\HUH\>TODDLERS DontFuckUpTheInterruptsSoMuchDudeAndTheMusicIsOnMe <Enter>

This amazing parameter is case sensitive ($#@%*&*!...you're welcome) so
type it like it is...
The intro will then start without asking you about music and your shelled-
music will probably continue to play.
If you want to play the original music (by Zest) but you don't have a
SoundBlaster or a Covox and you hate the Internal Speaker but you do
have zzzomthing like a GUS (like me)... -------- is the MOD-file.
!!! Some players need the extension .MOD (like DMP). Rename or copy --------
    and it will work.
Other parameters are: GhostGirl and NormalScreen.

Have fun and ... (type your own favourite end here).
        The Counsellor

P.S.: Hope you didn't go sleepy with all those zzzzzzzz's.
P.S.P.S.: This intro hates EMS...
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