Polynomial (X^3.999979) by Contortion
POLYNOMIAL (X^3.999979) A Contortion Production Released at Polynomial (x^4) After Some hours of hard work this intro finally was finished. The whole intro was put together at the partyplace by me (Euxinus). Well this was another fast piece of code made for polynomial (x^4) in Sweden it was mostely an test ground for my new scripting system for 3d. Well this intro was coded on a pentium and is optimized for the pentium though it should work ok an a fast 486dx4 too. This Intro will probabely run well even on a 486 dx266 though I will not promise anything. If you for any reason want's to contact me or send me cash do so to Niklas Hansson Kyrckbacken Prästgården 29011 Linderöd Sweden Well that's all for this time folks!! Euxinus /Contortion DISCLAIMER We the creators take no responsibillity for any damage caused by using or the inabillity to use this product. So if your computer fucks up it's not our problem. However this product have been tested on numerous computers without any damage. This intro is Freeware that means that anyone can copy it freely if you don't modify it or the following files. You can't however not modify it or take money for the redistribution of it, except to cover diskcost.
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