NinjaTracker V1.1 by Covert Bitops [web]
NinjaTracker V1.1 ----------------- Version history --------------- V1.05 - Slide duration calculator added - Allow editing of sector 0 (init-sector) V1.1 - Hardrestart is more solid (set both AD,SR to $00) and same in both standard & gamemusic versions - INS in pulse & filtertable inserts a 00,00-row, instead of 90,00 as in wavetable - Pulse/filter-pointers in wavetable are adjusted when INS/DEL is used in pulse- or filtertable - Movement in patterns speed-optimized (no unnecessary workpattern-> pattern conversion anymore) Instructions (also as online help within the program) ----------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction NinjaTracker is a 11-rasterline max. music editor, with simple but flexible musicdata and small playroutine. This editor is only recommended if you have strict rastertime/memory require- ments and know what you're doing! It's also freeware; customization is allowed and recommended! WWW: Email: loorni` 2. How to use NinjaTracker is operated on keyboard; here are the general keys: Cursors Move around Ins/Del Delete rows Shift+Ins Insert rows 0-9, A-F Edit hexadecimal data Shift+1,2,3 Enter tracks 1,2,3 Shift+4 Enter sector (pattern) Shift+5,6,7 Enter wave/pulse/filttbl. Shift+Z Fast scroll up Shift+X Fast scroll down F1 Play from song beginning F3 Stop playing F5 Play from selected pos. F7 Toggle fastforward mode F8 Enter help screen Enter disk menu 2.1 Track editor special keys ;: Select song to work on SPACE Mark playing position RETURN Go to sector under cursor 2.2 Sector editor special keys ,. Select octave ;: Select sector to work on ZSXDCVGBH.. Enter lower octave notes Q2W3ER5T6.. Enter upper octave notes Shift+D Calculate slide duration Shift+W Wave command Shift+A AD command Shift+S SR command Shift+F Flt command Shift+C Copy sector Shift+V Paste sector Shift+N Transpose halfstep down Shift+M Transpose halfstep up SPACE Rest / empty (zero) column RETURN Go to wavetable entry under cursor (when in wave column) SPACE or RETURN also silences test note. To use slide duration calculator, you must place the cursor on a sector line between 2 notes, containing a wavetable pointer to a slide program. Example: SECTOR C-2 02 02 WAVETABLE 91 40 30 Cursor-> --- 30 08 (pos. 30) G-2 04 10 Here we see a slide from C-2 to G-2, the G-2 being a 'tie' note. The slide program at wavetable pos. 30 uses speed 40 and loops infinitely. When you press Shift+D, the program will calculate the correct duration for the slide. If it is > 65, or there is some other error, the screen will flash red. 3. The musicdata 3.1 Track data There can be a maximum of 16 different songs (subtunes), each with 3 tracks. All songs share the same tables & 127 sectors. Values in the track data: 00 Loop (followed by loop position) 01-7F Sector to play 80-BF Transpose upwards C0-FF Transpose downwards - Sector 00 has been reserved for song initialization and therefore can't be referenced in the track data. - A transpose command must be always followed by a sector number. - Imagine the transpose being added to note number and then ANDed with 7F; therefore transpose FF is one halfstep down and 81 is one halfstep up. - A song that plays only once can be realized by creating one empty sector (with just one rest note) and looping to it indefinitely. 3.2 Sector data A sector (pattern) consists of three columns; from left to right they are: - Note/Command - Wavetable pointer/Command parameter - Duration (using decimal notation) A note can range from C-0 to F-7 (use transpose to reach the highest notes). When a note is encountered, it will use the last wavetable pointer remembered, or a new wavetable pointer if one exists on the wave column at same position. If duration column is empty then the last remembered duration will be used. Duration minimum is 2 and maximum is 65. For longer notes, use the rest command. Note: the packer isn't 'smart': to save memory, you must make sure yourself that there are no unnecessary duplicate values. The commands: === Rest, do nothing (except change wavetable pointer, if exists) Wav Change channel waveform (useless if wavetable is also controlling the waveform) AD Change channel's Attack/Decay SR Change channel's Sustain/Release Flt Change filtertable pointer Note: Wav,AD,SR,Flt imply a 'rest' in addition to the action they perform. An example. Let's assume that wavetable pointer 01 contains an instrument and 0A contains a vibrato loop (more of these later) C-3 01 12 Play note, dur. 16 frames === 0A -- Begin vibrato program + rest SR 6A -- Set sustain & release + rest Wav 40 36 Set waveform + rest D-3 01 12 Waveptr. 01 needed again now E-3 -- -- but not for subsequent notes F-3 -- -- with same instrument 3.3 Wavetable data The wavetable controls note/instrument initialization fully (no separate instr. data.) It consists of 3 columns, from left to right: - Waveform/command column - Note/slidespeed column - Pointer to next step-column The waveform column values are: 00 Hardrestart note init 01 Legato note init 02 Set ADSR (2nd frame of noteinit) 03-8F Waveform & Note change 90 Note without waveform change 91-FF Pitch slide (duration as negative value) A complete note init requires 3 steps, an example follows below. Note that 00,01,02 always go to the step directly below because the 'next'-column is used for parameters. Furthermore, 02 assumes that a normal Wave/Note step follows (executed on the same frame!) Never put 00 or 01 to anywhere else but the first step of a waveprogram or play- back will go out of time! Hardrestart + Set Pulse & Filter | | Pulse initial value (00=unchanged) | | | | Filt. initial value (00=unchg.) | | | 00 01 01 02 04 8A - ADSR parameters (048A) 41 00 04 - Normal Waveform/Note step The hardrestart sets waveform 00 and sustain/release FF. To avoid ADSR bug, don't use full (F) sustain or release! An example of pitch slides (a vibrato program, starting from step 01): F8 00 02 Freq. unchanged for 8 frames FD 02 03 Speed 2 slide up 3 frames FD FC 04 Speed 4 slide down 3 frames FD 04 03 Speed 4 slide up 3 frames, loop back to previous step Notes 00-5F are relative notes and 80-DF are absolute (independent of note base pitch). Examples of wave/note changes, each example starting at step 01: 21 00 02 Sawtooth, note's base pitch 81 C8 02 High absolute noise 41 00 03 Pulse, note's base pitch 90 00 02 A looping major arpeggio with 90 04 03 no waveform changes (now you 90 07 04 can use Wav-command in the 90 0C 01 sector data for gate-off) Note: step 00 is reserved for pitch slide, using it in the next step column causes unpredictable results (likely, a previous pitch slide continues). To terminate a waveform program, it's preferable to jump into a long, zero speed pitch slide, that loops itself indefinitely (step 01 in this example): 91 00 01 3.4 Pulsetable data The pulsetable consists of 3 columns, from left to right: - Duration column - Speed column - Pointer to next step-column A value > $80 in the duration tells to set the pulse to the value indicated by speed column. Otherwise it will add speed column to pulse for amount of frames indicated by duration. Because of the peculiar nybble-reversed arithmetic used with pulse, you must subtract one from all negative speeds (speed FF is the same as 00!) An example of a pulse program: 80 10 02 Set pulse to value 20 40 01 03 Pulse up (speed 1, 64 frames) 40 FE 02 Pulse down (speed 1, 64 fr.) Unlike with wavetable, you can use step 00 in the next step-column to end pulse- table execution. 3.5 Filtertable data The filtertable consists of the same columns and operates almost in the same way as the pulsetable. Duration values > $80 are used to set filter passband, channels to be filtered and initial cutoff value. The high nybble of the duration value (highest bit is ignored) is the pass- band and low nybble is the bitmask of channels to be filtered. Resonance is hard-coded to F (highest value). Examples of filter programs: 91 40 02 Lowpass on Chn1, cutoff 40 7F 01 03 Up with speed 1, 127 frames 7F FF 02 Down with speed 1, repeat 97 20 00 Lowpass on all channels, cutoff 20, stop filter execution Note: The first step in the filtertable is used when the song starts. 4. The filemenu Everything in here should be self-explanatory. When packing/relocating, you have to choose baseaddress and zeropage baseaddress; 5 zeropage bytes are used. Init: LDA #song; JSR <baseadr> Play: JSR <baseadr+3>
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