Ausflug by Black Maiden [web] & bypass [web]
_ _._ _._ _ |/-------------------\| | | ___ ___ _____ | _____ | / /_____/ /____ _\\_ \_ _ ____: _/ / - - - - - | _/ _ / _// / / / _/ | \ \_ B B B B B | \____/___/__\_____\ __\_____\ \_____|__\_____/ M M M M M | __ __ - _____ --- _ --- ____ - __ ---: _____ - | ._\_\/_/_ _\\_ \_ _\/_____\ \ / //____:_\\_ \_ B B B B B | | \/ (_ / // (\ _ \ _/ | / / P P P P P | |___||___/__\_____\ ____/___\_____\ \_____|_ /_____\ S S S S S | - ----------------------------------------:------- - - - - - - | ___ ________ _________ ____| ___ ___ | _/ //______ _\\_ /_\\_ /__\\_ \_/ //_____/ //____|___ _) _ / / / / / / /___ /___ / \ \ / / / /_____/ _ / / / / _/ _ /__________\___ __\_______\ _ _____\____\_________\___________\ / - -diP---------\___\------------------bM--|---------------------|-\/ _ _|_ _|__ _ ausflug intro | breakpoint 2oo4! :/-------------------\: a-move ............................... a-move (at) gmx (dot) de marek ............................... marek (at) dyce (dot) de pandur ............................. tom (at) drastic (dot) net supah ........................... dscheibe (at) freenet (dot) de blabla as usual, runs on everything capable of drawing hardware accelerated triangles and linear fog. the music is using pre-rendered synthesizer generated samples played back via a slightly modified version of minifmod by firelight. the 3d was done in 3dsmax and exported into a custom fileformat. it contains 50 different cameras, 650 small meshes (where some of them may be instances of others) and one single omni-directional light- source which results in approx 701 nodes in complete. the compressed size for the scene is about 35kb, another 17kb for the module/synthesizer/minifmod and 12kb are taken by the 3dengine aswell as synchronization scripts and stuff. this intro was started 48 hours before the party. the music was done in about one week of composing and a lot of struggle with the synth to create the patches. this is simply some information about this release nothing more. love & respect. w3rd. _ _ -\//-------------------------------------------------------------\\/- nfo by dipswitch // blackmaiden ^ sac ^ dcs - ----------------------------------------------------------------- -
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