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dog star descends by Amnesty

                      _ _._______________________________._ _
                         |                               |
                         |                               |
              bD!/L124   ╖                               ╖
  __     _____          ___   _______  _____   ______  ____     ______ __
 \\_\ ___\__  \. ____  /  /___\___  /__\ __/   \  __/__\   |___/     //_//
     .\  __/   l_\   \/ _        /      _/______\___  /       /     /
     |   \___       _  /____    /             _    /       .__   __/
     |______________ \/  . /___/______________\___/    .___| /___\
                         |_                      /_____l .
                         ./                              |
                      _ _|_______________________________|_ _
                         ╖                               ╖

Dog Star Descends by Amnesty - final version...
2nd place at Symphony Demo Scene Festival, Trzcianka, 2001


code: 			crust
additional code: 	hasid
gfx:			dzordan, comankh
music:			madmad


This  demo  needs  Amiga (no UAE!!!) with os 3.0+ and 68040+ (with full fpu
and mmu for mmu refresh mode, not tested on 68030() and about 26 mb of fast

Cybergraphics  and  AHI supported, rest of RTG systems are
also  supported  by  system  routines  :)  

reqtools.library (38+)
xfdmaster.library (39+)
xpkmaster.library (version needed by your xfdmaster.library)
dbplayer.library (2+)
lowlevel.library (40+)
ahi.device (4+)

xfdmaster.library is used for decrunching files but they are crunched with
xpk library module called GZIP.
If you encounter problems with GZIP you can decrunch DSD filesa and crunch
them  again  with  StoneCracker or something supported with xfdmaster.

I  take no responsibility for any death or destruction caused by this demo.
Use it at your own risk!


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