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reality bytes by Velvet

 │┐                       -^* Velvet Development *^-                        ┌│
 │┘                       .R.E.A.L.I.T.Y..B.Y.T.E.S.                        └│
 │                                                                           │
 │                       Contribution to the Juhla 96                        │
 │                                                                           │
 │                      ░▒▓ Final Release Version! ▓▒░                       │
 │                                                                           │
 │ Los creditos:                                                             │
 │                    Code.......................Vicious                     │
 │                    Music System...............Baldric                     │
 │                    Graphics....................Leinad                     │
 │                                              Squealer                     │
 │                                               The Who                     │
 │                                               Vicious                     │
 │                    Music.....................Tonedeaf                     │
 │                    Pmode................Adam Seychell                     │
 │                                                                           │

 │┐                               (( INFO ))                                ┌│
 │┘ Velvet Development, or shorter "Velvet", is an old group under a fresh  └│
 │  new name! We are former known as the legendary Extreme with many nice    │
 │  releases since the beginning of -92. Lately we've been very inactive in  │
 │  the demo scene because of commercial productions, but now we've decided  │
 │  to get our act together and release some more demos. At the same time    │
 │  we felt that a new name would give us a fresh, new image and some new    │
 │  inspiration.                                                             │
 │    Reality Bytes was our contribution to the Juhla Pi held 19th-21th      │
 │  January 1996 and it ended up at 3rd place. Due to lack of time the party │
 │  version contained a very serious bug. It was really amazing that it even │
 │  worked on another computer than Vicious 486dx4-100 because the bug wrote │
 │  alot of garbage all around in the memory and even over the code! That's  │
 │  the main reason why the demo failed with Soundblaster/Nosound and on     │
 │  most other computers than a 486dx4 :) Sorry for any inconvenience, but   │
 │  we were in a hurry...                                                    │
 │    And by the way. Some people have asked about the huge size of the demo │
 │  and some have even been irritated about it. Why? 4MB was the maximum     │
 │  size allowed in the compo so why not use it? Here's some info:           │
 │                                                                           │
 │                                                                           │
 │                        Packed     Unpacked                                │
 │                        ------     --------                                │
 │    Spaceman animation  2.1 MB      5.9 MB                                 │
 │    Spaceman music      770 K       981 K                                  │
 │    Second part music   507 K       699 K                                  │
 │    Code                151 K       783 K (some zero areas :)              │
 │    Graphics+Vectordata 822 K       No idea                                │
 │                                                                           │
 │                                                                           │
 │  Some idiot claimed that all vectors were animations. That only proves    │
 │  his lack of brains. The vector routine may not be the fastest seen, but  │
 │  it contains advanced realtime spline movements and objects with complex  │
 │  hierarchy and that was mainly what we liked to show.                     │
 │    The tunnel added in the middle of the demo was not ready in time for   │
 │  deadline so it had to be left out. We hope you like it now anyway, and   │
 │  that the demo works on all configs around!                               │
 │                                                                           │

 │┐                           -= REQUIREMENTS =-                            ┌│
 │┘     Minimum: 386+FPU+VGA+4.5MB free memory                              └│
 │  Recommended: 486/100Mhz or better with FPU, fast VGA card. 8MB free      │
 │               memory. 1MB GUS soundcard.                                  │
 │                                                                           │
 │  If you use Soundblaster or Nosound about 5.5MB of free memory will be    │
 │  needed. Otherwise it is enough with 4.5MB (sorry, couldn't push it down  │
 │  to 4MB so go buy some more if you don't have enough! :)                  │
 │    This final version also uses a later version of the DOS32 protected    │
 │  mode system which does not have the DMA transfer problem. It should now  │
 │  be possible to run the demo under any configuration.                     │
 │    If you still encounter trouble with your sound hardware, you can run   │
 │  the demo in Nosound mode, by removing the environment variables like     │
 │  this:                                                                    │
 │                                                                           │
 │    SET BLASTER=                                                           │
 │    SET ULTRASND=                                                          │
 │                                                                           │
 │  This will clear the variables and the replay routine will assume that    │
 │  there is no card installed and will run in silent mode. This may be      │
 │  necessary if you only have 512K GUS. The first part will work, but the   │
 │  music will stop in the middle of the intro. The second part will not     │
 │  work at all (tune is too large) and the demo will exit with an error     │
 │  message. Try running with SBOS or using nosound, and it should work.     │
 │                                                                           │

┌─│ -/^\-                      ░▒▓ MEMBERS! ▓▒░                       -/^\- │─┐
┌│ Baldric··········· │ Coder/Organizer······ │ da94ospa@hj.se·············· │┐
││ Vicious··········· │ Coder················ │ vicious@cryonics.ct.se······ ││
││ Lev··············· │ Coder················ │ hoppers@jumper.mcc.ac.uk···· ││
││ Zyric············· │ Coder················ │ no.email@yet················ ││
││ Tonedeaf·········· │ Musician············· │ tonedeaf@triplex.fipnet.fi·· ││
││ Gibson············ │ Musician············· │ gibson@triplex.fipnet.fi·(?) ││
││ Rubber Duck······· │ Graphic Artist······· │ rubber@triplex.fipnet.fi (?) ││
└│ Mikie············· │ Graphic Artist······· │ simondsm@sun1.gwent.ac.uk··· │┘

┌─│ -\^/-                    Releases from Extreme                    -\^/- │─┐
┌│ Wargasm      │ WARGASM.*   │ Our first demo... What can you expect?       │┐
││ Pixtro       │ PIXTRO.*    │ Lousy intro about a program never released.  ││
││ Infro        │ INFRO.*     │ Info about the SineCreator.                  ││
││ BBStro       │ BBSTRO.*    │ Simple BBS Intro                             ││
││ Techno Holic │ T-HOLIC.*   │ Our first REAL demo. This is almost good :-) ││
││ Birthro      │ BIRTHRO2.*  │ Our first try to make some design            ││
││ EP           │ EP12.*      │ An awfully shitty modplayer                  ││
││ Sine Creator │ SC10F.*     │ The ultimate sinecreator.                    ││
││ Lunatic      │ LUNATIC.*   │ The demo competing at TCC'93, got 2:nd place ││
││ Report       │ REPORT.*    │ The Party report from TCC'93                 ││
││ Vibes        │ VIBES.*     │ Our musicdisk with 12 tunes!                 ││
││ Tomtesaft    │ TOMTE.*     │ The 4KB intro from ASM'94                    ││
││ Tracker      │ ETRCK06.*   │ Our 32 Channel GUS tracker                   ││
││ Unreal-BBStro│ UNR_BBS.*   │ Nice BBS Intro for Unreal                    ││
││ ETracker     │ ETRCK07.*   │ New version of the Extreme Tracker           ││
││ Str. Feelings│             │ Contribution to the party 94 intro compo     ││
││ Meth-BBStro  │ METH_BBS.*  │ BBS Intro for Methadone                      ││
││ Fatal Bugs   │ X3M-FAT.*   │ 64 KB intro Released at Icing '95. 3rd place ││
└│ Havoc        │ X3M-HVC.*   │ 4 KB Intro released at Asm'95. 5th place     │┘

┌─│ -\^/-                    Releases from Velvet!                    -\^/- │─┐
┌│ Pontus Vänner       │ PONTUS.ZIP   │ Dec-95 │ Fastintro for TP5           │┐
││ Velvet Studio Demo  │ VS10DEMO.ZIP │ Dec-95 │ Demo of our musicprogram    ││
││ Reality Bytes       │ VLT-BYTE.A?? │ Jan-96 │ Demo for Juhla Pi, 3rd place││
└│ Reality Bytes Final │ VLT-RB.ZIP   │ Feb-96 │ Bugfixed version of the demo│┘
                                                                            |C |
  ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ /|
 │┐                             ADVERTISEMENT!                              ┌│
 │┘ We are looking for 2d and 3d graphic artists...If you are intrested in  └│
 │  joining Velvet Development, mail to Baldric's e-mail address (listed     │
 │  above) or to this snailmail addy:                                        │
 │                                                                           │
 │                            Velvet Development                             │
 │                           c/o Patrik Oscarsson                            │
 │                             Hermansvagen 44                               │
 │                             554 53 Jonkoping                              │
 │                                  Sweden                                   │
 │                                                                           │

                                                              Signed, The Staff

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