Wolfenstein 3D by The Sirius Cybernetics Corporation [web]
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popularity : 71% |
alltime top: #897 |
added on the 2005-05-17 16:33:48 by keops ![]() |
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great idea! a porting of w3d on other plantforms!
Rocks hard >:)
Now THIS is what it's all about :)
Roulaise ! :)))))))
When I try to run this in Steem i get this error:
"malloc(): could not allocate screens."
What do I need to do?
"malloc(): could not allocate screens."
What do I need to do?
- use *at least* 2mb RAM for this betaversion (4mb is better)
- do not touch any keys before the game appears (ie. no space-bashing during titlepiccie)
- do not touch any keys before the game appears (ie. no space-bashing during titlepiccie)
oh that brings back the memories... spacebashing while loading, those were the times... st pwns
LHS: this beta version requires 2 MB (which is a little bit too much imo but should be fixed according to Ray), don't forget to setup your emu accordingly ;)
thats impressive!
tempted to get an atari emu just to see this.
Ye, it worked now :) Thanks for the help.
Altho, when I move forward Steem reset itself with the message: Crash and burn - ST reset.
Altho, when I move forward Steem reset itself with the message: Crash and burn - ST reset.
LHS: which TOS version are you using?
ltk_tscc: it worked now for some reason.. no idea what happend earlier. Thanks for the help :) Great product btw!
crashes on steem as soon as i attempt to move
KELTHZ: Yeah how the hell IS this possible on a standard 68000 chip?
yes! almost finished! GREAT work ray. respect!
When I sawed for first time Wolfenstein on 386SX I start to bother my father to buy me a PC - luckily he didn't (at that time we had Atari ST at home) :)
When I sawed for first time Wolfenstein on 386SX I start to bother my father to buy me a PC - luckily he didn't (at that time we had Atari ST at home) :)
Everything is possible with a stock ST!
And this is the proof ;)
And this is the proof ;)
No Computer is perfect without a Wolfenstein 3D Port!
darkus: Start the programme. DONT touch any keys until the game screen appears on its own... this may take a while (30 sec... maybe)... then you are able to move... this is a known bug and will be fixed in future versions.
gosh. i want it on plus4 too :)
well, apparently this is rather stunning for an atari (i haven't a clue, but trust the rest). big ups, then!
simply an incredible piece of work
Sweet. Let's see this on the Amiga too.
you are totally nuts!
This just rules ! A dream come true ! Ray is just going nuts here...:-)
ltk: yep, it worked..
its fantastic.. cant wait to see the next version!
its fantastic.. cant wait to see the next version!
great work !
good work on the gfx conversions, especially the title screen. i had to reinstall steem for some reason, but it's running great now. a bit slow at 8mhz of course, but much smoother and very playable at 16mhz! compared to the original on a 286/16 (at full res but a smaller view window), it's probably faster.
Ray rules! :)
very nice work
that's just fucking great. i can not test it, but i must thumb up for the effort and the approach alone!
atariSTein 3d ;o))
Wolfenstein will never die.
This is incredibly fast code considering the power of the machine !
Ze art of 68k assembly. :) Rocks!
It should be noted that this release has been updated and is now fully playable, all levels.
Impressive and great to see original AtariSt gfx repainted for this, but why forward/backward goes much faster than turn? I can't control this one ;P
Yeah, it rocks! Hope it will be finished soon! :)
outstanding... really !
but why the walk is so quick compared to rotation ?
but why the walk is so quick compared to rotation ?
make sure to check the latest version of Wolfenstein 3D available on Ray's website ( v0.8alpha so far )
cool ;)
Very impressive work :)
Is this THE wolfenstien??
Do you know any other?
Thumb it is then :D
Amazig indeed
Awesome work here!
Excellent job, Ray.
leech it and get an orgasm... ;-)
Oups, thumbie forgotie

Simply amazing code !
Good stuff dudes! My respect for your effort, meine herren.
It's an achievement, it would be even better if it got finished one day ;-)
Fuck, man, it's even TOO fast! Brilliant work.
We're waitin' for ST-DOOM. ;)
We're waitin' for ST-DOOM. ;)
Btw, maybe the info might be useful - this time the game died in the second level with "error" requester.
Really, I never thumbed up this awesome prod ? I truly suck then :)
Really impressive! Thanks, Ray :)
This is a really cool port
great idea! a porting of w3d on other plantforms!
I'd like to see this running on a maple tree, too.
awesome work @ planar 8MHz
Still pwnz solid! :)
Great conversion! Impressive!
doesn't seem to work for me in Hatari.. but i hear there's newer versions? So i'll get googling now................
set ram to 2mb and it works :-)
Atari STe emulation - Hatari - Apple Mac. fwiw.
Atari STe emulation - Hatari - Apple Mac. fwiw.
Applecrypt: unfortunatly there is no update since v08a... Ray is busy with his real life right now so there won't be any new fix in the near future.
On the TT its barely playable. It's way too fast. Even in high detail and fullscreen mode. The enemies simply shoot much faster and you move forward too quickly. Also, anything besides the original screen size causes problems. Fullscreen will show you some graphic error when being too close to a wall (in high detail only) and if you set the screen size to minimum, the game might crash with a message "Illegal Instruction Error at 0x046316" in low detail mode.... Also, the Game doesn't like TT Ram. (Black screen after the Level loaded) Still, it's ok for a game coded from scratch....
@ltk_tscc Thanks for the reply. I hope Ray becomes less busy real soon ;) I've since got this working of course and am going to get a video recorded and a blog post done. It's superb on the STe :)
Mein Leben!
Curiously, the Mac variant (of all versions) is probably the best, followed by 3DO and Jaguar.
Curiously, the Mac variant (of all versions) is probably the best, followed by 3DO and Jaguar.
How can you not be impressed !!! very nice indeed
@tomaes: yeah, I remember playing the Mac version on Shapeshifter (on my A1200) and it ran faster (and looked better) than the Amiga version.
Very nice work!
never thumb that one? This is really impressive, both by code quality and amount of work!
Awesome code. Please revise this so it also works with modern hard drive solutions (such as cosmosex)!
Pera Putnik adoption for the latest version (v0.8 alpha):
Wolfenstein 3D for Atari ST(E), Falcon
This game is intended to be played from hard disks. An unofficial and unfisished port for Atari ST(E), Falcon. What I did is mostly bug fixing and alloving saving of gamestates.
Possible problems with game: works not with Hddriver and other hard disk drivers. Loosing controls. Desync on TV/monitor as it sets 60 Hz refresh rate.
If have 2MB RAM may play only without savestates. Then run with
file START2M.TOS . Game will run with 50 Hz refresh rate - if started on PAL system. Fixed IKBD mode setting code and Timer-C fix .
With 4MB of RAM run with START.TOS . Then will have option to break/exit game in any moment with key F9, and then possible to permanently save gamestate with GXUT204.PRG . Gamestate files are 2MB long, as game needs 2MB RAM.
Works with ST, STE, Mega ST, Mega STE, Falcon (STE DMA fix added).
Sound is much better with STE, Falcon.
PP, Nov. 2010
More about bugs:
Hard disk problems happen with drivers sensitive on Timer-C
counter. If it runs not, will stuck. Author could solve it by restoring
regular Timer-C counting before every disk access. Here, it is solved by hooking vector $476 (RWABS).
Loosing controls: IKBD chip mode setting code is flawed (wrong status checking). It is replaced with good one when run game
with START.TOS .
Note: control loss happened mostly at 50Hz refresh rate, but ocassionaly at 60 Hz too.
As in DOCS stays, some levels work not.
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Nice work!