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tUM 2004 by Smash Designs [web]
screenshot added by troll on 2004-09-10 10:58:55
platform :
type :
release date : august 2004
release party : Evoke 2004
compo : pc demo
ranked : 1st
invitation for : the Ultimate Meeting 2004
  • 11
  • 36
  • 22
popularity : 67%
  • -0.16
alltime top: #46185
added on the 2004-08-29 20:00:31 by Fzool Fzool

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I'm downloading, but I'm curious
added on the 2004-08-29 20:13:55 by delta delta
Another classic demo makes it way on to 8 bit. Not aswell executed as Second Reality, the frame rate is way to slow, maybe on an smaller screen size it might be faster. The music is awsome. I think that even Kb will be pleased to hear such a nice conversion : )
added on the 2004-08-29 20:14:39 by bigpimpin bigpimpin
Way to post your comments at the wrong product there, Mr. Wrongposter!
added on the 2004-08-29 20:18:48 by sagacity sagacity
I just run the demo : it opens a black window and close it whitout putting error message. I watch in the zip another time : no .nfo or diz for watching the required config. And the exe have no icon, but this is not important...
Sorry man, but cant let a pig like that.
Please do a final version or add Video link.
sucks added on the 2004-08-29 20:22:50 by skarab skarab
Oh also, this demo doesn't run here. After clicking the start button it just flops me back to the desktop after a brief modeswitch. (WinXP, ATI Radeon 9500, etc)
added on the 2004-08-29 20:22:51 by sagacity sagacity
doesn't like radeons?
added on the 2004-08-29 20:24:57 by phoenix phoenix
I have a shitty geforce 4, shaders required ?
added on the 2004-08-29 20:27:25 by skarab skarab
No worky here either...
This sucked ass! 3d flyby's like this where boring back in 1999 and they are boring now. It won cause the rest of the compo was even more horrible.
sucks added on the 2004-08-29 20:35:09 by okkie okkie
oh, tum rules btw! i am in no way dissing this fine substitute for The Party!
added on the 2004-08-29 20:36:31 by okkie okkie
Direct3D9: (INFO) :======================= Hal HWVP device selected
Direct3D9: (ERROR) :Cannot set software vertex processing mode on device, created with hardware vertex processing
First-chance exception in Tum2004.exe: 0xC000001D: Illegal Instruction.

added on the 2004-08-29 20:37:00 by Gargaj Gargaj
hm. strange tested again the version here and it is running, with a ati mobility radeon 9000, pentium 4 2,33ghz and xp with service pack one.
added on the 2004-08-29 20:41:33 by Fzool Fzool
Incidentally, none of the Smash Designs pc-demos of the past few years have managed to run properly here, always complaining about not being able to lock vertex buffers and whatnot.

At least THAT error message is gone :)
added on the 2004-08-29 20:41:42 by sagacity sagacity
Doesn't run.
Doesn't display any error message.
Doesn't have an infofile to see if my computer meets the requirements: BB Image
added on the 2004-08-29 20:42:22 by ithaqua ithaqua
changes resolution then exits with no error-message (win2k, gffx5800ultra+latest forceware)
added on the 2004-08-29 20:45:27 by gloom gloom
rulez added on the 2004-08-29 20:51:25 by las las
Doesn't run. athlon xp 2000+, 512mb, win2k sp3, radeon 9600 pro.
added on the 2004-08-29 21:01:59 by nystep nystep
whoooops.... my bad.
runs pretty smooth over here (P4 Geforce FX). It has some nice gfx and the sound is ok, standard stuff, nothing special. Sleepless is the best from SD.
added on the 2004-08-29 21:06:14 by bigpimpin bigpimpin
sucks added on the 2004-08-29 21:06:29 by Shifter Shifter
Doesn't run.
Doesn't display any error message.
Doesn't have an infofile to see if my computer meets the requirements:

This isn't on. Sort your prods out before releasing them!!!
Ran fine but was quite horrible
sucks added on the 2004-08-29 21:13:00 by Vulture Vulture
runs on my system (amd64 3200+, radeon9500)
the demo doesn't introduce anything we haven't seen before, but it's not too bad, music is ok too
added on the 2004-08-29 21:16:38 by thedjinn thedjinn
does not run here ...
XP + 1.4 thunderbird + XP
added on the 2004-08-29 21:24:28 by nytrik nytrik
RELEASE A FINAL ! Halffunctional Only GeForce FX party releases sucks...
no nfo, no txt, no demo too.
gf4 ti 4600
added on the 2004-08-29 21:37:38 by oxb oxb
no nfo, no txt, no demo too.
gf4 ti 4600
added on the 2004-08-29 21:37:56 by oxb oxb
no nfo, no txt, no demo too.
gf4 ti 4600
added on the 2004-08-29 21:38:00 by oxb oxb
Oh man this sucks!
sucks added on the 2004-08-29 21:41:18 by superplek superplek
hm. what's going on here? damn ;). i'm going to fix that nasty bug. sorry. the demo does not use any shaders and should work on almost any graphics card.
added on the 2004-08-29 21:45:25 by kai[sds] kai[sds]
didn't run on my pc either ... AMD XP 2400 with GeForce 5900 :/
added on the 2004-08-29 21:48:45 by slippy slippy
Nice demo. The font is ugly.
No nfo, this should work on Ati too.
didn`t run here either. I just put my faith in plek.
sucks added on the 2004-08-29 23:42:48 by quisten quisten
Nice 3d engine, some cool scenes....but feels empty.
added on the 2004-08-29 23:47:57 by Zplex Zplex
just a 3d show...
Look I have shaders :/

Altough I am thankfull for turrican III ... this sucks :/
sucks added on the 2004-08-30 01:06:41 by cerror cerror
bad demo. the quality of textures and 3d during the beginning looks very mid 90s and software rendering... then the industrial stuff seems to lack textures. why no textures on the metal stuff? i hope TUM will have better releases than _this_ piece of shit.
sucks added on the 2004-08-30 01:14:50 by el mal el mal
I really enjoyed some effects (the volumetric light through the fog and the illumination due to lightnings), and less some others (flares clearly disappearing when they get out of sight and bad poetry/concept).
Ok, it was just a 3d show, but you worked a lot on it (not the actual production, maybe, but the engine and/or some effects). Pigface for me.
added on the 2004-08-30 01:53:08 by pan pan
some effects were ok but all in all
the year is 2004 boys =)
i had to laugh about the "poetry" tho.
sucks added on the 2004-08-30 04:24:13 by jazz jazz
Ran fine here. Very late 90's flyby style... but it was on the good side of fly by. The render quality looked good somehow too, almost raytraced.
rulez added on the 2004-08-30 10:38:44 by psonice psonice
was pretty nice.
respect for 2 good demos for same party.
rulez added on the 2004-08-30 12:57:38 by psenough psenough
The usual sds pc demo. Nice theme, horrid font, cool models, mediocre music.
added on the 2004-08-30 14:22:06 by tomaes tomaes
Does not run here...GeForce3 Ti with latest drivers, WinXP SP2, 768 MB DDR Ram, 1900MHz
sucks added on the 2004-08-30 15:32:06 by 0x$$ 0x$$
sucks added on the 2004-08-30 15:51:15 by kusma kusma
sucks added on the 2004-08-30 16:05:03 by toxie toxie
Well, what Tomaes said, plus the really really crappy texts. Sorry, but it sucks.
sucks added on the 2004-08-30 17:21:08 by scamp scamp
..and still not even as much as a screenshot.
added on the 2004-08-30 20:48:24 by gloom gloom
added on the 2004-08-30 21:18:33 by fox fox
I won´t comment the Gfx, but the music kicks even better than the original =]
added on the 2004-08-30 22:14:51 by T$ T$
I vote a sucks, because everybody else does and I doubt this demo will work on my machine. Oh, and I already voted an unjust rulez for the other SD demo.
sucks added on the 2004-08-30 22:24:05 by Stelthzje Stelthzje
I am sure the poetry sucked, too!
added on the 2004-08-30 22:24:36 by Stelthzje Stelthzje
sucks added on the 2004-08-31 08:22:05 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
"Halffunctional Only GeForce FX party releases sucks..."
Tell me why it works on my Radeon 9600 Mobility!!!
added on the 2004-08-31 08:28:26 by las las
Can't understand all the fuss ... runs fine here! (P4, 1.8gh, 512MB, GF3 WITHOUT the latest drivers)

Typical SD-prod: great modelling, nice trancy music, uninteresting font. A bit short though...but still worth a thumb up.
rulez added on the 2004-08-31 08:46:17 by Strobo Strobo
Tested the demo on three configs and it didn't even bother to run on one of them (GF3, GF FX, Radeon 9600 XT). Might be useful to invest a _bit_ more time into compatibility issues next time.
added on the 2004-08-31 13:10:13 by nufan nufan
added on the 2004-08-31 16:49:46 by nytrik nytrik
"Tell me why it works on my Radeon 9600 Mobility!!!"

...and my gf4 420 go
added on the 2004-08-31 16:58:40 by kusma kusma
Kusma: Because you are wealthy enough to buy GREECE!!
added on the 2004-08-31 18:15:01 by kusma kusma
+++ engine
++ lighting
+ modeling
o music
- fonts
-- flyby

So a pigface from me this time ;)
added on the 2004-08-31 20:17:19 by kb_ kb_
- doesn't work
entertaining and kick ass sound conversion. would attend tum anyway though :)
rulez added on the 2004-08-31 21:41:42 by Paralax Paralax
<- at least if this WAS that fr08 c64 demo I thought it would be...
converting from thumb up for it to thumb up for that. nice faking.
added on the 2004-08-31 21:46:37 by Paralax Paralax
Gnah - I commented the wrong one. Doesn´t run here as well (no error message given), FX5200 card
added on the 2004-08-31 22:29:04 by T$ T$
doesnt run as well here, FX5900ultra
added on the 2004-09-04 21:53:55 by NuKem NuKem
i absolutely second kb, though i would give fonts a ---

..well // i'll keep quiet (:

added on the 2004-09-05 12:24:05 by raver raver
BORING... lighting sux and scenes too
sucks added on the 2004-09-05 17:54:43 by spengler spengler
wont like my fx5600
added on the 2004-09-05 22:13:10 by sam sam
No fix yet?
no run, no message...
athlon 2600+ geforce4ti4200
2100+ geforce3 ti200
added on the 2004-09-07 17:30:23 by TawnY TawnY
Kinda dissapointed, since it's just a boring flybye without much effects (I only liked the volumetric lights near the end). I expected more from Smash Designs PC (or not? I guess I WOULD like to expect :)
added on the 2004-09-08 18:20:16 by Optimus Optimus
Still no fix or screenshot...oh well. I usually like Smash Design demos, but you earned a thumb down with this one.
sucks added on the 2004-09-08 22:27:06 by Shanethewolf Shanethewolf
It does not work at all.. well...
added on the 2004-09-10 17:27:28 by ghandy ghandy
still no run...
added on the 2004-09-14 08:09:19 by Igoronimo Igoronimo
the screenshot makes me wonder if i WANT to see this at all :S
added on the 2004-09-14 08:24:15 by Gargaj Gargaj
in any case, if any of the coders are willing to get some help with debugging, feel free to contact me, i can supply crash addresses / disassembly and stuff
added on the 2004-09-14 08:29:55 by Gargaj Gargaj
Ok. grab the final version here:

Requires DirectX 9.0c
added on the 2004-09-23 22:20:15 by Fzool Fzool
Ok, set the final as dl link, the party version is still available.
[22:34] <tobi> die demo ist hundertprozentig dieselbe, der einzige unterschied ist ein compilerswitch
added on the 2004-09-23 22:43:25 by Fzool Fzool
naja... no thumb at all :)
added on the 2004-09-23 22:47:51 by ttl ttl
Did this win??? boring flyby with horrible music. Only thing that was cool, was the pipes and the lightning
added on the 2004-09-23 23:18:45 by quisten quisten
ok so now it works, altho i'm not sure if i wanted to see this.
no thumb down because obviously AEG's 3D work saves the demo once again, and DAMN the volumetric lightbeam thingy ruled :)
but... (here we go again)
- the music sounded like what probably MWNN was producing back in '93... by default there's nothing wrong with that but it sounded so... "empty", it needed more "energy"
- THE FONTS!!! MY GOD, THE FONTS!!! i mean people've been complaining about ugly aliased systemfonts since Adrenaline, is it REALLY hard to realize that they might be right? :D seriously... so many free font resources on the web, why stick to Arial? pleeeease? pretty please?
- the texts... "we will x-ray you" must be the weirdest text in a demo ever :D i mean, the "we ... you" cliches are generally overused but this just made it hilariously bad :)
- the feedback/crashzoom/whatever effect applied on the creditz is like... wow. i mean, was that supposed to be serious? :)

to sum it up once _again_ there's insane modelling and texturing work involved but the aesthetics which would've made this great are completely missing... and the thing i feel sorry the most about is that it wouldn't have taken really much time and effort to fix most of these glitches, just get a decent fontset, put the text on an 512x512 texture and run some photoshop filter on it...

i think finally you might want to ask someone to check the design thingies before you release :)
added on the 2004-09-24 09:43:55 by Gargaj Gargaj
i'm with you on those volumetric lightbars gargaj - definitively the coolest thing in the demo. :)

the latest version worked, and it was actually one of the more okayish flybys i've seen lately, but all in all too boring.. and the music wasn't very good.
added on the 2004-10-07 23:02:16 by gloom gloom
Maybe I'm a bit biased because I am an organizer for both parties, but when AEG showed some engine outputs before Evoke it grew on me more and more with every new preview.

For my taste the music fits the demo pretty well so I don't worry about, I somehow really like it.

Texts... Yeah, this destroyed that demo a bit for me, but hey, it is an invitation. ;) A texts off function is requested, maybe they somewhen will have the time for this feature.

About the font I only can say "form follows function" (please make a joke including function party _now_) - I have no problem with it.

Boring flyby... come on guys, do you really want rotating cubes? ;)
rulez added on the 2004-10-08 07:53:31 by René Madenmann René Madenmann
i wish i had more hands so i could give this demo four thumbs down.
sucks added on the 2004-10-31 16:32:43 by _andre _andre
sucks added on the 2004-11-29 23:39:59 by BoyC BoyC
between piggie and sux
added on the 2004-12-28 14:31:11 by zeebr zeebr
I very like a SD 3D demos, AEG is a great modeler, I like the music (yes it is a cheap techno, but fit together with 3D world like this or in Weltenkostrukt). Two thumbs up !

Improve your font !!!! From 1998 to 2004 I se same simple font in SD demos !
rulez added on the 2005-01-02 00:38:04 by Trauma Zero Trauma Zero
me no like
sucks added on the 2005-01-13 07:07:20 by Mr Twist Laser Mr Twist Laser
It's nearly as good as the second place "The Everlasting Blink".
added on the 2005-08-27 02:05:15 by ALiEN^bf ALiEN^bf
Great light effects and models.

(did I just thumb up a flyby?)
rulez added on the 2006-02-08 15:13:28 by Preacher Preacher
W T F !! Heck Yeah DEEEZINE
rulez added on the 2006-03-16 15:27:40 by Mike 3D Mike 3D
really good
rulez added on the 2006-08-17 22:17:09 by sokoban sokoban
I don't think this is very good compared to Adrenalin for example....
added on the 2006-08-18 01:00:23 by beavis77 beavis77
sucks added on the 2007-01-11 16:45:28 by bhead bhead
Nice Intro to 2004.
rulez added on the 2007-08-11 10:47:50 by hamster hamster
sucks added on the 2023-02-16 15:51:46 by SiR SiR

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