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krangparty 2005 results

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                  |___/|_| ACT 11 05-05-05 |__/ 

- Krang Organization would like to thank all participants.

Awards Music:

Best Music: Speedload - We're not alone
Best Oldschool Music: Haggeman - Bottes Vernal Dance 
Krangers Choice Music Winner - Haggeman - Bottes Vernal Dance (714 points)
Krangers Choice Music 2nd: Microsnigel - Liten (607 points)
Krangers Choice Music 3rd: Pyssling - Pang i bullen (499 points) 

Awards Graphics:

Best 3D: SpiralΣgg av Groggy
Best Freehand: Pure by Epos
Best Collage: Rotten by Tomas Eriksson
Best Photo: Korv massaker av Tomas Eriksson
Krangers choice Graphic Winner: Steavi och Sharker - Forgotten (771 points)
Krangers Choice Graphic 2nd: MNeMiC - USP Match (538 points)
Krangers Choiuce Graphic 3rd: Tomas Eriksson - Rotten (466 points)
Krangers choice Photo Winner: Tomas Eriksson - Korv massaker (1702 points)
Krangers Choice Photo 2nd: Patrik Jansryd ( Ceritus ) - Colan och Σpplet (780 points)
Krangers Choice Photo 3rd: Haggeman - Sill, potatis och .. (496 points)

Awards Demo:

Best demo: Four Byte Aliens 0x4ba - Fungus
Best 64k Demo: Miptex - Jag Σr en boll
Krangers choice Demo Winner: Four Byte Aliens 0x4ba - Fungus (2039 points)
Krangers Choice Demo 2nd: Granma - Elfulo del knekto (1536 points)
Krangers Choice Demo 3rd: David - Iam a ball (754 points)

Awards Film & Animation:

Best Film: Schnigel - Project 12-3657
Krangers Choice Film Winner: Sanctus - Ett litet bidrag (1753 points)
Krangers Choice Film 2nd: AM Movies O M-Star - Smugglaren (1688 points)
Krangers Choice Film 3rd: Schnigel - Project 12-3657. (1558 points)

- Krang Organization Jury: Mempheria, Electron, Jockson, Tryoth, Topi, Ube, Mart
- Questions? andre@krang.net

- Krang Organization http://www.krangparty.net
- For more krangparty releases check ftp.krangparty.net
- See you at Krangparty act 12! 

Party archive @ ftp.scene.org
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