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TMDC 2008 results

     ooooooooooooo ooo        ooooo oooooooooo.     .oooooo.      ooooooo  ooooo ooooo
     8'   888   `8 `88.       .888' `888'   `Y8b   d8P'  `Y8b      `8888    d8'  `888'
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                   888    Y8b.          X88 Y88b 888 888 Y88b.       X88
                   888     "Y8888   88888P'  "Y88888 888  "Y888  88888P'

     Trauma - The Turing Machines Didn't Care  [===========================---]88.333%
     Alpha Design - Cookiedough                [========================------]83.667%
     Crimson Shine - Cube                      [=====================---------]70.667%
     paulius - nuggan                          [==================------------]59.667%
     Frostar - Frost*r                         [========----------------------]25.833%
     BITS - BITS5009                           [=====-------------------------]15.000%


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       "Y8888P "Y88P"  888  888  888 888  888  888  "Y8888  888  888  "Y888  88888P'

      Doh, I forgot to hassle the _three_ textmode coders from Blockparty to enter
      this. I'll grab them next year!
        -- Guybrush
      Some outstanding productions.  A few new faces; would love to see more new 
      comers.  Proof that text mode is still very much alive, looking forward to next 
        -- Polaris
      Trauma - The Turing Machines Didn't Care  
       Overall style, music and fx... and music.
        -- Blacklight
      Powerful soundtrack really moves the demo forward!
      Starts slow but effects build up in complexity and impressivness,
      which is always a good tactic ;) lol pig and yay for ribbons :)
      The blue 3D things would have been nice with smoother shading, but the
      +- patterns were interresting, would have been good to push it even further.
        -- Buzz
      Best music of the compo.  The text bubble was pricesless. 
        -- Polaris
      Great blend of styles using different subsets of the ascii chars.  Produced some 
      very cool feeling textures.  Nicely organic.
        -- scoy
     Alpha Design - Cookiedough  
      ASCII/character-based art is nice
        -- Blacklight
      fuckin ace! Freshingly oldskool. Clean and simple, pure Alpha Design style.
      Nice fitting music. Some originality in the well-known effects.
      Very well polished.
        -- Buzz
      Some outstanding artwork.  Old School demo effects were done so well, it was 
      easy to forget the production was in text mode!  Outstanding!
        -- Polaris
      Britelite is too modest, this is a clear winnerdemo from every angle.
        -- RaD Man
      Too much scrolling of hand drawn images.  Doesn't feel like it's pushing the 
      technology at all.  Felt limited since it only used the 'block' characters and 
      not the rest of the ascii set.  Cool music.
        -- scoy
      Some nice ascii art, awesome.
        -- Guybrush
     Crimson Shine - Cube  
      Cubes physics in coder-color FTW!  Thumb for the color scheme
        -- Blacklight
      nice shading. nice effects, but sadly only 2 of them.
      kinda short and lacking substances. Physics cubes could have been exploited 
        -- Buzz
      The credits scene is outstanding.  Neat to see a demo that doesn't actually end.  
      Some very nice effects, could have been a bit longer.
        -- Polaris
      A close second to Turing.  By far the most colorful entry.  Great music.  It 
      felt like a nod to classic 8-bit games.
        -- scoy
     paulius - nuggan  
      Conceptual but unicolored.
        -- Blacklight
      very good and creative use of ASCII shading and colors.
      It's only too short! and ends a bit abruptly. Fish tail.
        -- Buzz
      Amazing production for one person to write.  Seemed to end aburptly, and could 
      have used a bit more synch with the music.  Middle was outsanding.
        -- Polaris
      A bit too short and limited in scope.  I like the variations of the textures 
      generated by the character set selection right at the beginning but after that 
      it kind of lost me.
        -- scoy
      My favorite renderer - paulius is the ASD/dreamchild of textmode. Gorgeous
      transitions and ethereal feel. I demand a 15 minute epic next year!!!!
        -- Guybrush
     Frostar - Frost*r  Scroller........
        -- Blacklight
      welcome back in the dmeoscene! This one is maybe a bit too oldskool for its own 
      good? I mean, nowadays it's getting hard to keep interest with only a scroller ;)
      Maybe switching spectrum, background, spectrum+background from time to time with 
      some sync could have helped.
        -- Buzz
      Neat to see a production written in basic.  A "one effect" production with 
        -- Polaris
      Almost seemed 20 years out of place.  Needs something more that just scrolling 
      hellos.  The best part is the music, I liked the quirky vibe.
        -- scoy
      Welcome back! This is a good first step up from the Apple ][ : D
        -- Guybrush
     BITS - BITS5009  
      whawazdat? i'm deaf!
        -- Blacklight
      Thumb up for the spirit. Nice font. Lacks pacing.
      Sadly the scroller gets cut so the most important effect is kinda broken.
      You could/should have done way better with the music, even with pc-speakers 
        -- Buzz
      Ran far better on XP than Vista. I broke down and viewed the program in a text
      editor to read the scroller :p
        -- Guybrush
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