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Gubbdata 2019 results

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     ║        Y8b d88P           2019 - Lund, Sweden June 28-30 2019.                      ║
     ║         "Y88P"    C64 party organized by Genesis*Project - Invite only.             ║
     ║                       - The future was better back in the days! -                   ║
    ╚╬╝ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╨ ╚╬╝

         ║                                Compo results:                               ║

                WORMS TOURNAMENT
                1. Norrland
                2. Beardswitcher
                3. Boye

                80S MUSIC                               Average 1 decimal
                ---------                               ------- ---------
                1. Fegolhuzz - 80ies Ad                 7,69    7,6
                2. Baatsman û Gubbrock is the Law!      6,72    6,7
                3. Soya - Free Fallin'                  6,69	6,6
                4. Baatsman - Sweet Dreams              6,11    6,1
                5. Zeta - Stockholmsserenad (2SID)      6,02    6,0
                6. Zapac - Rytmen av ett regn           5,51    5,5

                80S GRAPHICS
                1. Oxidy - Gubb Wish VI...              8,25    8,2
                2. The Sarge - The Weapon               8,07    8,0
                3. Archmage - Rasters of the Universe   8,05    8,0
                4. Mikael - Bladerunner                 7,77    7,7
                5. Apollyon - Miami Advice              6,75    6,7
                6. Alta - HazlHof                       5,74    5,7
                7. Sixx - Sickans Amiga 80ies bidrag    5,53    5,5
                8. ArcadeStation - Maniac Mansion       5,09    5,0

                80S DEMO	
                1. Triad - Samantha Fox Strip Poker Pro 7,10    7,0

                1. Mahoney - Nyheter (C64+EasyFlash3)   8,84    8,8
                2. Booze D. - BD Wild Demo (C64+1541U2) 8,09    8,0
                3. L0giker - 1984 - 2019                4,04    4,0

                OTHER PLATFORM MUSIC
                1. Encore - Camel Ohio (2SID)           6,67    6,6
                2. E!ghttbm - Tove Janssons Groove(.mod)6,54    6,5
                3. Maze+Slash etc - Simply Lovely (.mod)6,38    6,3
                4. MCH - Space Blast (.mod)             6,06    6,0
                5. Zeta - Slebber (.mod)                5,85    5,8

                OTHER PLATFORM DEMO
                1. Senex - Gammelheter 2 (Amiga)        8,62    8,6

                C64 MUSIC
                1. Fegolhuzz - Aslaang paa Skansen      7,50    7,5
                2. Zardax - Dimelo                      7,33    7,3
                3. Mr.Death&AnaNg - So fucking bitter   7,12    7,1
                4. Raveguru - Azzid Jazz                7,00    7,0
                5. TDM - Floppy in Action               6,91    6,9
                6. Magnar - Entry Denied                6,78    6,7
                7. Flex - Eurogubbe 2019                6,71    6,7
                8. Psych858o - Accelerated              6,71    6,7
                9. Apollyon - Roady                     6,35    6,3
                10. Spider Jerusalem - GubbWubb         6,09    6,0
                11. Mibri - Ikebukuro                   6,00    6,0
                12. Dam - Jack Door                     5,98    5,9
                13. Wolk - Whisteling Wolk              5,82    5,8
                14. Barik - Vinegar                     5,82    5,8
                15. Ioviani - Sun of Japan              5,67    5,6
                16. Mythus - Spacestation Music         5,59    5,5
                17. PAL - Wild West Rider               5,55    5,5
                18. Zzap69 - Gubbdataintraang           5,02    5,0
                19. Baatsman - Kaosmanicken             4,77    4,7
                20. AnaNg - Datatanten Theme            4,07    4,0
                21. E-Grass - Laholms baksida           2,77    2,7

                C64 PETSCII
                1. The User - No Bro-cooli guy          8,44    8,4
                2. Shine - Armakuni Returns             7,76    7,7
                3. Lft - On a bed of Silicon            6,74    6,7
                4. 8rotkasten - Lethal Eve              5,54    5,5
                5. Creep - Grumpy                       5,52    5,5
                6. Aeleus - Uriel                       5,43    5,4
                7. Baatsman - Gubbub                    5,39    5,3
                8. Jucke - 0resundstaag                 5,24    5,2
                9. Baatsman - Creatures                 5,00    5,0
                10. Logiker - 1984-2019                 4,81    4,8
                11. Skyhawk - Hello I Love You          4,26    4,2
                12. Beardswitcher - Pigselated          4,24    4,2
                13. Pravda - Rosa oegat                 3,92    3,9
                14. Beardswitcher - How Maas it         3,73    3,7
                15. Lola - Kyckling                     3,47    3,4
                16. Beardswitcher - Kool                2,73    2,7

                C64 GRAPHICS		
                1. The Sarge - Hola!                    8,57    8,5
                2. Facet - The Mighty Octopussy Hunter  8,26    8,2
                3. Razorback - Purgatory                8,16    8,1
                4. Raphis - Hard2Be                     7,58    7,5
                5. Apollyon - Mind the Power            7,53    7,5
                6. Fabs - Vortex                        7,33    7,3
                7. Arcadestation - Paradroid            6,90    6,9
                8. Alta - King Doggo                    6,86    6,8
                9. Leon - Desert                        6,84    6,8
                10. Lobo - Gubba Gubba Hey              6,67    6,6
                11. Danskjaevel - Vakttorn              6,56    6,5
                12. RailSlave - Psychotropical Eden     6,50    6,5
                13. Mythus - Spacestation Gfx           6,02    6,0
                14. Lunix - Fager                       5,69    5,6
                15. Splash - Girl in Darkness           5,30    5,3

                C64 DEMO
                1. Booze Design - The Elder Scrollers   9,43    9,4
                2. Genesis Project - The Dive           8,69    8,6
                3. Fairlight - Skaaneland 2             8,60    8,6
                4. Atlantis - Thera                     7,89    7,8
                5. Offence+GP+Panoramic - Innervasion   7,87    7,8
                6. Offence+Prosonix+Pan. - 5 of 5 Slider7,25    7,2
                7. Camelot - Gumbo                      6,88    6,8
                8. Software of Sweden - Dark Times      5,65    5,6
                9. Censor Design - Tech-Tech Magic      5,61    5,6
                10. Triad - Fat Albert                  5,60    5,5
                11. Offence  - Bender                   5,04    5,0
                12. The Solution - Pretzeled            4,96    4,9
                13. Triad - Cash Heart GP               4,83    4,8
                14. Esl0w - Esl0w Naesta                3,55    3,5

                      8888 GUBBDATA 2019 8888888888888888888888888888888888
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