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Performance 2000 results

	:: Performance'2k compo results ::
		date  : (10.03.2000 - 12.03.2000)
		http  : http://performance2k.cjb.net
		e-mail: perf@nic.fi

		places : 50
		sold   : about 38-40
		people : about 70

	  Performance'2k was successful, Performance'? is coming..

	  Voting by 8MHz VotingSystem by dipe (dipe@nic.fi)

	    Selected as first  - 3 points
	    Selected as second - 2 points
	    Selected as third  - 1 point

		$ = cash paid

MP3 Compo - 27 votes

1. $ (65 p) dj Subbah feat. stasis, cannu and blackdragon  -  subbah
2.   (52 p) Paroxysm  -  skybax / epic
3.   (45 p) Vaistokas Tuomo  -  random & crud / grin

GFX Compo - 28 votes

1. $ (40 p) Sienimetsae  -  fragment / static
2. $ (39 p) Jamaican_village  -  corben_da / cloaking novice
3.   (29 p) Glowing froggy  -  McLad / grin
4.   (27 p) Stoned  -  anttu / instance
5.   (20 p) Zubb Gasgear  -  KrazyK / Dynamic Dementia
6.   (16 p) Metapopulation  -  random / grin

WILD Compo - 28 votes

1. $ (63 p) Performanssi  -  random & McLad / grin
2.   (62 p) Vaeinaemoeinen  -  anttu & micster / instance
3.   (43 p) Vapaa tyyli  -  Dynamic Dementia

PC DEMO Compo - 27 votes

1. $ (70 p) derStau / cloaking novice
2. $ (43 p) Vesiesanssi / tAAt
3.   (30 p) Jippuponi / hippo
4.   (19 p) Straight / grin
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