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Amiga Party II. WorkShock 1998 results

AMIGA Pßrty II. - compo report

4ch Muzika

   Autor(|Ωi):      Artikl:              Hlas√:    Penßlty & Bonusy:    Sk≤re:

1.    Wolf/Abort     UnderWater_OverTure    18            7                25
2.    Zemßk/nAEx     K                      16            5                21
3.    Raggie/nAEx    7th Space              6             0                 6
4-6.  Med            In The Flight          4             0                 4
4-6.  Egas           Sonatina na moll       4             0                 4
4-6.  Noro/Atomic    We Are RadioActive     4             0                 4
7-8.  JiP/APT        RockMania 1            3             0                 3
7-8.  Liεßk          Speeding               3             0                 3
9-10. Gerry/MMA      Power                  2             0                 2
9-10. Piper          Deep Coma              2             0                 2
11-13.E.N.I.F./APT   Virtual Emotions 1.0   1             0                 1
11-13.Mic            The story of wood 2    5            -4                 1
11-13.Storm/Vertical Heaven                 5            -4                 1

mch Muzika
    Autor(|Ωi):     Artikl:                Hlas√:  Penßlty & Bonusy:    Sk≤re:

1.   lUkE/nAEx   Magnetize_Feelings          23              0             23
2.   Joe/AMax    Rainy Dream                 12              4             16

     Autor(|Ωi):    Artikl:            Hlas√:   Penßlty & Bonusy:     Sk≤re:

1.  JR/Abort         AboveTheWater       19              8               27
2.  F.O.B.           Batman Is Dead      11              0               11
3.  lUkE/nAEx        No Tears            10              0               10
4.  Artie/Agravedict Intro Scr TS 13      9              0                9
5.  Dizzy/Horizontal ╨ßbel                4              0                4
6.  E.N.I.F.         Pokoj                3              0                3
7.  Noro/Atomic      Ksichtik             2              0                2
8-9.Mic              Drak                 2              0                2
8-9.Gerry/MMA        Plß∙                 2              0                2
10. Fractal/Still    Slime                3             -4               -1

    Autor(|Ωi):     Artikl:            Hlas√:   Penßlty & Bonusy:     Sk≤re:

1. Fractal/Still T. DullBlob             13              5               18
2. Exie             Vysokozdvi∙nej       12              0               12
3. Mlha             Mort                  7              0                7
4. JIP/APT          AMIGA                 6              0                6
5. Dron             Nakont                2              0                2
6. lUkE/nAEx        Jeep                  1              0                1

    Autor(|Ωi):      Artikl:           Hlas√:   Penßlty & Bonusy:     Sk≤re:
1.  Exie             4Rent              11              0                11
2.  Dron             Hyper              7               0                 7
3.  Mic              MicFight           4               0                 4
4.  Nornic/Atomic    Microεit           3               0                 3
5.  JIP/APT          AMIGA              2              -4                -2
6   Gerry/MMA        ╬nek               1              -4                -3
x.  εΘfrr/AR         Moucha             0               0                 0
    (nepodaΩilo se spustit)


   Autor(|Ωi):       Artikl:           Hlas√:   Penßlty & Bonusy:     Sk≤re:

1. Insanity & Abort  Revenge !          23           9                   32
2. Zelen²            Sanorin            24           4                   28
3. Vertical          Radiation           3           4                   7
4. Leoε              Ludva 3             3           0                   3
5. Vertical          FoxTro              6          -8                  -2
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