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Vortex 2017 results

                                        ____         _____      ____
    ____     ____ _____________________/   /___   __/  __/_____/   /  ____
 .  \   \   /   //   ___   \    ___    \    __/___\   _/ \    /\   \_/   //  .
 .   \   \ /   / \   \ /   /\   \ /____/\   \ /   /\   \ /   /  \_     _/ H7 .
 :   _\   Y   /_ _\   Y   /__\   \__   __\   Y   /__\   Y   /___/   _   \___ :
_|_ / __       ///__       //_     //  \___     _ //__     __//_   / \   __/_|_
\|______\_ _/___ _  \_ _/___  \__/__       \_ _/ ___  \_ _/  _ \__ \ /  _/ __|/
 :  ____  _  /  _//   _   ___      _______   _   ____   _   \\_  ___ \___//  |
 .  ________//__\               v  o  r  t  e  x              /__\\________  :
    \   :                            2 0 1 7                          :   /  .
\___ \  |                           24.-26.11                         |  / ___/
\  \__\ |                   Huvikumpu, Tulitikkutehdas                | /__/  /
 \__ \  |                            Tampere                          |  / __/
 : \__\ :                            Finland                          : /__/ :
 |   ___                                                               ___   |
 |   \__\                                                             /__/   |
 :                                                                           :
 .                                                                           .
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		  1.  #07    88 pts    Kapitalismin Kahleet - Exca
		  2.  #03    84 pts    Huvudsta - visy
		  3.  #04    59 pts    Saunatöllö - Terwiz/Alumni^Damones
		  4.  #01    52 pts    Tuima - dlz
		  5.  #05    51 pts    Vortex - imja
		  6.  #06    50 pts    Vilukissa - Strix
		  7.  #08    40 pts    The Child of Danger - Ukuli
		  8.  #02    34 pts    Dolan - Fun is death


		  1.  #05    95 pts    Elf - bracket ^ dekadence
		  2.  #04    94 pts    Ilpo - edi / Exotic Men
		  3.  #02    56 pts    Ahdistuska - dlz
		  4.  #03    44 pts    Quick Render - Terwiz/Alumni^Damones
		  5.  #01    33 pts    Blurr - napi


		  1.  #04    84 pts    Kaksi miestä ja unelma - Varjottomat
		      #05    84 pts    Regolith - T-101 / Darklite
		  3.  #02    77 pts    Tämä netti - valmet children
		  4.  #03    63 pts    Flashback - Squeek
		  5.  #01    38 pts    Sorcerer (jam) - SurmisSmallBand


		  1.  #02    71 pts    Suomi100 - Terwiz/Alumni^Damones
		  2.  #01    70 pts    Hearts' Magic - Sydänten Taikuri


		  1.  #03    60 pts    RV3 - RV
		  2.  #02    57 pts    Gas Gas Gas Gas - Jumalauta Eurowave Committee
		  3.  #01    36 pts    Technology - Terwiz/Alumni^Damones


		  1.  #09   107 pts    LILITH 666 - JUMALAUTA & MFX & DEKADENCE
		  2.  #13   103 pts    Kapita£ - Konvergence
		  3.  #11   101 pts    Regolith - Saksalainen Laatu & Darklite
		  4.  #10    91 pts    Mähh - Laserboy + Hot Multimedia
		  5.  #05    83 pts    Sprite Record - Dekadence
		  6.  #12    78 pts    Light|Zero - Pyrotech
		  7.  #07    77 pts    Vortex - Paraguay
		  8.  #03    75 pts    s/t - tähtituho
		      #04    75 pts    Observer - Quadtrip
		      #08    75 pts    α - jumalauta
		 11.  #02    67 pts    worlds - dekadence
		 12.  #01    63 pts    kesäliima 2018 invitation - ISO
		 13.  #06    59 pts    Proof of Concept - Wide Load

       \_/                                                           \_/
        .                                                             .
      __.                                                             .__
     /_/:                                                             :\_\
      __|                                                             |__
 .   /_/:___                                                       ___:\_\   .
 .    __/  /                     Nalleperhe <3                     \  \__    .
 |   /___ /                     Matt Current <3                     \ ___\   |
 : __/  //                         Alumni <3                         \\  \__ :
 |/    /.                       ComboBreaker <3                       .\    \|
 |    /_____                        ____  _                        _____\    |
/|         /_                      /  _ \  \                      _\         |\
_|__________/ /_________________  /  / \ \  \  _________________\ \__________|_
 |      :                    \__\ \  \___/  / /__/                    :      |
 :                                 \_______/                                 :
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