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Primary Star 2006 results

Primary Star 2006 Results 
(Copied from the "Release Note Primary Star 06" program) 

Demo Competition

1. The Turner           The Abyss Connection
2. Revolution           Triad
3. TS-Row               K2
4. The Sniper           JTR/JSL/Richard

Graphics Competition

1. Song of the Moon     Leon/Singular
2. The Boat             Blemish
3. Ta Med               Dcmp / Triad
4. Der Hungrige Elch    Bugjam / The Dreams
5. De Molenhut          Fieserwolf / Metalvotze
6. Disco Sid            Sebastian / Willow

Music Competition

1. The Way to Reusel    Fieserwolf / Metalvotze
2. Abstract             Randall / MSL
3. Ringtone             Richard / Civitas
4. All the Go           Sidder/ MSL
5. Bang Me              Fieserwolf /  Metalvotze
6. Bullsid              Dalezy / Triad
7. Hyper Ballad         Floyd / Willow

Primary Star was held in Reusel from 4-6 aug, 2006.
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